Calogero Caruana

Studying to become a teacher in Turin, Italy, Pietro is joined by his older brother, Giovanni, who has moved up from Sicily. While Giovanni is a worker with no schooling, Pietro shows considerable promise in academics, prompting the elder sibling to seek employment to support his brother's academic pursuits. Unfortunately, things don't go well for Giovanni and Pietro, and they face significant hardships as they try to improve their lives.


Phil Stone steals in North Africa, where he is with the fidanzara, a precious ring, because he needs money in order to return to the United States, but is arrested, sentenced to a harsh punishment. An agreement with the prison director who promises freedom in exchange for the discovery of the treasure of Cleopatra that should be buried in the vicinity ...


Franco Sereni, a captain of carabiniers, is dismissed from service for being the proponent of "the law of the gun". He is asked to hold a private investigation of several cases of blackmailing wealthy women. Soon Sereni finds out that there is much more then just blackmailing.


Gianna Amicucci works in the house of the head of her hometown police force and enters the academy with a kickback from him. She is a beautiful woman (she generously sheds clothes during the film) and has to overcome her male colleagues prejudices, but she gains their respect through a series of brilliant operations.


An Old South plantation owner lusts after his female slaves.


In the pre-civil war American south, Emanuelle, a plantation owner's daughter, while outwardly a dainty southern belle, brutally abuses the slaves in her charge. When her fiance is bitten by a snake, he falls for Emanuelle's beautiful African-American maid who's kindness and skill saved his life. Insanely jealous, Emanuelle continues her sadistic behaviour towards her charges, and when her fiance announces he plans to wed the maid, Emanuelle "gives" her to her even more brutal hired men, and her fiance is powerless to stop them. Can Emanuelle learn an important lesson in love before it's too late for everyone?


Major Paolo Altieri of the Paratroopers Corps foils the kidnapping of child, but becomes the victim himself of a violent assault by the bandits. He realises that the criminals have used an experimental machine gun that's used only in his own Corps. Altieri begins to take part in police raids on criminal activities, and ultimately discovers a conspiracy to overthrow the democratic government.


Michele Placido plays Antonio, an Italian immigrant in New York who finds himself drawn into the Mob when his options are limited and his desire to make a new life for himself becomes increasingly difficult.


The townsfolk of Trinity decide to hire a notorious bounty hunter to protect them from a fierce band of Mexican outlaws who are terrorizing the area.


The town of Tombstone is overrun by Ramon, Pedro, Miguel, Ryan and Slide -- five outlaw brothers who are taken on by gunslinger Burt Collins and a deadly lawyer.


The small desert town of Black City is held in a reign of terror by a nasty gang of criminals lead by the ruthless Bud Willer. Earnest, but inexperienced Sheriff Jack Ronson arrives in town to establish law and order. Mysterious bounty hunter Django helps Ronson out.
