Camila Risser

Carolina and Elsa, two friends of 10 and 13 years old who live in the same housing unit, enjoy a childhood full of mischief, video recordings and pop music in the nineties.


This is Arturo's tale, a coming of age story about a boy who tries to find and accept his sexual identity. It takes place in a small town in the state of Zacatecas during the 90's, and explores the stigma the homosexual community lived during the HIV crisis.

Rodolfo Guerra, father of three daughters, wakes up one morning and decides he will not go to work; he is tired of being mistreated by his wife. In that one day in which the family routine is broken, Rodolfo opens his eyes and realizes that he is a perfect stranger in his own home. Rodolfo knows that he is risking his job, yet he still takes the time to put the puzzle pieces together to discover many unknown truths that are present among his daily life.


A young girl recounts her girlhood and eventual marriage to a general of the Mexican revolution. by one of the most outstanding writers of the new feminist Mexican literature, it is at once a haunting novel of one woman's life and a powerful account of post-revolutionary Mexico from a female perspective.
