Candace Kroslak

Recent MIT grad Matt Franklin should be well on his way to a successful career at a Fortune 500 company, but instead he rebels against maturity by taking a job at a video store. Matt rethinks his position when his unrequited high-school crush, Tori, walks in and invites him to an end-of-summer party. With the help of his twin sister and his best friend, Matt hatches a plan to change the course of his life.


The movie will shift its focus on Erik Stifler, the cousin of Matt and Steve, a youngster who is nothing like his wild relations. Peer pressure starts to turn him to live up to the legacy of the other Stiflers when he attends the Naked Mile, a naked run across the college campus. Things get worse when he finds that his cousin Dwight is the life of the party down at the campus


A female collage co-ed freshman who was involved in a fatal car crash discovers she may not have survived the tragedy after all when she becomes caught between the world of the living and the dead A sort of limbo state of being between both the real and the spirit worlds in which the ghosts of the afterlife want to collect her, or even worse, use her body in its transition state to enter our world


On a hiking trip in the Italian Alps, James discovers an ancient burial cave filled with gladiator artefacts. He becomes possessed by the spirit of Tyranus, a demon gladiator, and goes on a killing spree to revive the true spirit of Demonicus. A professor, Gina, and her students are to be the sacrifices to the demon Tyranus. Can they outwit Demonicus before becoming offerings to the evil god?
