Carey Burtt

a short film by carey burtt

One man's increasingly overzealous quest to help the world.

Sister film to Blood and Fire. Final Number Nine was the AOP (arbitrary organizing principle) with this one. Made when Romney was running against Obama.

(c) 2011 Carey Burtt


short film by carey burtt

Instructional film on How to Not Be Stupid

The third in the series of experimental "horror" features, this collection features the shorts The Psychotic Odyssey of Richard Chase (1999) by Cary Burtt, J.X. Williams' Satan Claus (1975), Jason Bognacki's Loma Lynda: The Red Door (2008), Terror! (2007) by Ben Rivers, Mike Kuchar's Born of the Wind (1961), and a collaboration from Guy Maddin and Marie Losier called Manuelle Labor (2007). While not featured in the program, an extra includes the short It Gets Worse (2008) by Clifton Childree.

Read this in High School. One of the few reads that really hit me and never left. I thought "I want to tell this story...but HOW ?....then I realized...the ONLY way I'm going to make it is with dolls and drawings" and I just decided I'd rather make it that way rather than not at all !! (CB)

short film by carey burtt

short film by carey burtt

Tromadance is the first film festival wholeheartedly devoted to filmmakers and fans. Unlike other film festivals, Tromadance does not charge filmmakers to submit their films. Entrance to all screenings is free and open to the public. Also, there are no VIP reservations or preferential treatment regarding films, panels or parties of any kind given. This DVD contains the best short films from the first few Tromadance festivals, including David Schmoeller's "Please Kill Mr. Kinski," Carey Burtt's "The Psychotic Odyssey of Richard Chase," Lee Demarbre's "Harry Knuckles and the Treasure of the Aztec Mummy," Steve Herold's "H.R. Pukenshette," Barry Norman's "Deadbeats" and others.


Don't you want devoted followers? Helpful tips for luring people into your cult and psychologically manipulating them into devotion to you, and enforcing your powers. A satirical drama.


The true story of the killer, told in a unique fashion. (Jack Sargeant)

short film by carey burtt

short film by carey burtt

Winner of 1rst Prize Senior Division of 4th Annual Maine Student Film Festival

when poptarts attack

carey burtt stop motion short film

short film by carey burtt


short film by carey burtt

short film by carey burtt

carey burtt short film

short film by carey burtt