Carl Koch

Lovely young Alicia starts receiving bizarre and disturbing phone calls after breaking up with her boyfriend Mike who she suspects is cheating on her with her twin sister Barbara Ann. Alicia meets and befriends amiable, but awkward film nerd Franklin, who alas turns out to be a total psycho with a penchant for carving up nubile ladies. But is Franklin the nutter responsible for those distressing phone calls?


'The Star of Bethlehem' tells the Christmas story in the style of medieval nativity plays. The Three Wise Men from the East follow the star to Bethlehem, but hostile spirits try to stop them on their journey. The King Herod fears the child in the manger, and seeks to kill it, but an angel prevents his evil intentions. The film is an example of how Lotte Reiniger has her silhouette technique enriched by coloured acetate films. The backgrounds have the vibrancy of coloured stained glass windows.


Hans Christian Andersen’s Thumbelina told the tale of a tiny girl grown from seed to be a companion to an old woman, Reiniger has her Thumbelina born spontaneously and magically from a flower, beholden to none but herself.


A weekend at a marquis’ country château lays bare some ugly truths about a group of haut bourgeois acquaintances.


A group of French soldiers, including the patrician Captain de Boeldieu and the working-class Lieutenant Maréchal, grapple with their own class differences after being captured and held in a World War I German prison camp. When the men are transferred to a high-security fortress, they must concoct a plan to escape beneath the watchful eye of aristocratic German officer von Rauffenstein, who has formed an unexpected bond with de Boeldieu.


About a civilian who is press-ganged into a machine-gunner's squadron and transformed into the perfect soldier.


Dr. Dolittle has arrived in the land of monkeys, where gorillas, orangutans, baboons and spiders await medical attention. But how can one do it alone? Luckily, the animals of the desert want to help.

In a house on the coast, Doktor Dolittle lives with a monkey, a little dog, a pig, a crocodile, a duck and a parrot. He knows the language of animals. A swallow flies to him and tells of a terrible disease among monkeys in distant Africa. Dolittle and his animals board a ship and begin a hilarious journey.

On his way inland, Dr. Dolittle and his animals encounter a nasty surprise. Natives capture them and hold them under lock and key.

Based on stories from "The Arabian Nights". A wicked sorcerer tricks Prince Achmed into riding a magical flying horse. The heroic prince is able to subdue the magical horse, which he uses to fly off to many adventures. While travelling, he falls in love with the beautiful Princess Peri Banu, and must defeat an army of demons to win her heart. The film is animated using the silhouette technique.
