Carlo Campogalliani

Rolando, who was close to marrying the daughter of the Doge, is condemned after a highly unfair judicial process and locked up in Venice. Digging a tunnel with the aid of his cellmate, Rolando succeeds to escape.


Ursus returns from war to find his fiancée, Attea, has been kidnapped by a mysterious sect which sacrifices virgins to its patron goddess. Ursus faces much treachery and is forced to display much courage and strength as he and the blind girl Doreide embark upon a quest to retrieve Attea.


Alboino, the Lombard ruler, wants to marry the daughter of a neighboring king, but she loves another. Her father arranges the marriage to Alboino, which he believes will be beneficial to him, only to have Alboino kill him and leave Amalchi, his daughter's real love, beaten and left for dead. Amalchi recovers to lead a revolt against the murderous Alboino and reclaim his woman.


Maciste travels to Egypt, where he leads a revolt against an evil queen. In Son of Samson, Maciste (Mark Forrest) -- scion of the famed muscleman -- travels to the Egyptian city of Tanis to checkmate villainous Queen Smedes (Chelo Alonso), who's persecuting the citizenry.


An Italian strong man (Steve Reeves) repels a Germanic king's (Bruce Cabot) invaders, except for one's dancing daughter (Chelo Alonso).


A widow is unjustly imprisoned for theft and her daughter is sent to live with her grandmother.


A family of wanderers adopts a girl who is left alone after getting lost. Meanwhile, his father adopts an orphan. Some time later, as an adult, the girl becomes the main attraction of the Luna Park where the wanderers work, and falls in love with the adopted son of the missing father. This arouses envy and spite from a barker from the Luna Park, secretly in love with the girl, who begins to spread slander on their behalf.

When young Lucia attempts suicide by jumping from a train, she meets a man to whom she explains what has driven her to this. He, a former doctor, has his own demons and their conversation might just help both to face their future.

In Ducal Venice, a series of heinous crimes are mysteriously committed concomitantly to the arrival of a gondola, by the popular fantasy called “the devil’s gondola”. Suspicion falls on a gondolier until recently unemployed and who now enjoys good earnings, of which he says he can not confess the origin, and which he obtains by working at night.


Paola (Tito Gobbi) is a successful, but lonely and aging opera singer in post-war Italy. His thoughts flash back to Florence in the days when he was a struggling student, and of his romance with the beautiful Claritta (Maria Mereader). Their eventual separation through a misunderstanding has resulted in a life of loneliness for both.


Venice Film Festival 1940

Venice Film Festival 1939


Directed by Carlo Campogalliani

In ancient times Rome looked upon Carthage as her greatest rival, and determined to plan her downfall. Cato, a Roman Senator, appealed to the Senate to conquer Carthage, and under a pretext that she had failed to keep faith, the Romans began a new war. The Roman army embarked for Africa and landed near Carthage.