Carlo Colombo

Il maresciallo Rocca is an Italian television series.


Two Italians are on holiday in Aspen in Colorado. The first one is Lorenzo whose daughter is crazy about Luke Perry (Beverly Hills 90210 actor) and wants to meet him at all costs. The second one wants to win back his wife who has left him because of his gambling problem.


Aldo and Vittorio are two men suffering from disabilities. One is blind, the other is forced to a wheelchair. Vittorio one day by chance meets Aldo in the hospice and invites him to take a pleasure trip to Sanremo in Liguria. In fact Vittorio, though blind, is a cheat who’s in trouble.


Ciottoli is a journalist with absolutely no prospective for his career, with a lot of debts and a mobster that want him died. Unexpectedly he win the national lottery (almost Eur 2.5 Mln) and try to remain unanimous hiding the winner ticker into his typewriter. Ironically his director order to him to write an article on the mysterious winner. When he is back home he discovers all his furniture has been confiscate and will go on a public auction. He will try desperately to buy back the worthless typewriter while all his previous problems still follows him, especially the mobster...


An omnibus of two different stories: In the first a divorced couple (actress wife and director husband) refresh their old passions via their common flat. In the second a well-to-do dentist-wife is attacked by her petty bourgeois family when she writes a sex novel.


In Augusta the emperor Caligula has a serious problem: he must demonstrate his manliness "coram populo" on the occasion of the feast of Priapus. But the Imperial young man is powerless and threatens a fool in front of the people who arrive in droves to watch the battle. To avoid this conflict, he goes to the professor Barnardus and attempts to hide out in his clinic.
