Carlo Demi

The incorruptible judge Annibale Salvemini, starts investigating over a classic Italian business/politics/corruption affair. He start to operate, as usual, very strongly. He orders numberless arrests. But the reaction of counterparts won't take long. In fact his strong energetic manners, drive him unintentionally on the opposite situation. Who is the real guilty the judge or the corrupted Italian society?


Ten segments, all starring Johnny Dorelli and all having sex and sexual perversions as main theme.


At carnival, a girl disguised as a devil seduces the parish priest of a village. She becomes pregnant, but the priest can not support his intention to abort and drag her to court.


Three episodes. First Valerio is mistaken for a notorious criminal. Very beautiful journalists succeed to bring him to her house for an exclusive interview. She tries to seduce him. Second. Guiseppe, an unlucky and ugly man, gets a job as a maid. His mistress falls in love for him. Third. Plinio is a taxi driver who loves his cab above all. But at one point he is involved with the kidnapping of a woman.


Il Mostro is a 1977 Italian thriller film directed by Luigi Zampa and starring Johnny Dorelli.


Four stories focused on the fair sex, dealing with the most varied and improbable sentimental and non-sentimental situations.
