Carlo Leva

Film fans work to restore the set of the climatic graveyard scene from the iconic spaghetti western “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,” directed by Sergio Leone in 1966.


In the 60s and half of the 70s, Almeria was the Hollywood of the South Europe.

The life and works of one of the great masters of Italian cinema, Sergio Leone; a rich and fascinating portrait. Unpublished testimonies of collaborators, actors, directors and critics reconstruct every aspect of his creative activity.


Tells the story of two young women who accidentally meet three young people of the high society. The two men and their female friend lure the unsuspecting girls into a house by the sea, where they start to play a mean game with hem by first irritating them before terrorizing and attack them. Meanwhile, the boyfriend of one of the girls starts searching for them.


A murder mystery set on an island near Venice. A schoolgirl was murdered seven years ago, and the case was never solved; now, the murderer seems to be back.


A ruthless Interpol agent goes after the man who killed his wife in Stelvio Massi's crime thriller. A gutsy robber named Marseilles pulls off a tricky heist, but he's no match for agent Ravelli, a maverick who can't control his bloodlust. And this time, it's personal: Years earlier, the daring thief murdered the operative's wife in cold blood.


When a series of murders hit the remote English countryside, a detective suspects a pair of travelers when it is actually the work of the undead, jarred back to life by an experimental ultra-sonic radiation machine used by the Ministry of Agriculture to kill insects.


After being raped by her father, Ingrid moves to Rome and ends up becoming a prostitute. She finds a friend in Claudia, but Claudia's protector is a sadistic thug by the name of Renato who will show her the worst of the what life in the city has to offer.


When the godson of San Francisco's crime lord asks permission to leave "the business," Don Antonio agrees, but reluctantly. Such behavior by either one is a violation of the code, and a bloody mob war breaks out. It is only through the strong support of his family connections in Sicily that Don Antonio is able to survive the mêlée and come out on top. Aghast at the situation he has caused, the godson becomes his leader's "consigliere," or Counselor at Crime.


This cop doesn't carry a gun - his fist is loaded!


Ramirez, the general of the Mexican revolution against Maximilian who has been appointed king of Mexico, organizes his forces to attack the king's General, Miranda. Ramirez realizes that the Aztec Indians would be allies of great value, so he offers to return to them an idol statue that has been stolen from them. Only Alleluja is capable of retrieving the idol from the thieves.


A reporter and a blind retired journalist try to solve a series of murders. The crimes are connected to experiments by a pharmaceutical company in secret research. The two end up becoming targets of the killer.


After his Western triumphs, Valerii stepped out of the shadow of Sergio Leone with this distinctly Bergmanesque sexual melodrama.Dionisio is perfect in the title role and this remains her best film, Valerii turns up along the way too. Just when the film hits a period of auto pilot John Steiner turns up in the final reel for a climax that is quite unforgettable. A bit difficult to trace but well worth the effort.


A photographer comes back to Italy after a trip to India and struggles to adjust to his new life.

A widow whose land and life are in danger as the railroad is getting closer and closer to taking them over. A mysterious harmonica player joins forces with a desperado to protect the woman and her land.


Three directors each adapt a Poe short story to the screen: "Toby Dammit" features a disheveled drugged and drunk English movie star who nods acceptance in the Italian press and his producers fawn over him. "Metzengerstein" features a Mediveal countess who has a love-hate relationship with a black stallion - who it turns out is really her dead lover. "William Wilson" tells the story of a sadistic Austrian student with an exact double whom he later kills.


While the Civil War rages between the Union and the Confederacy, three men – a quiet loner, a ruthless hit man and a Mexican bandit – comb the American Southwest in search of a strongbox containing $200,000 in stolen gold.


Two bounty hunters are in pursuit of "El Indio," one of the most wanted fugitives in the western territories, and his gang.


A story about two gunfighters, Duke and Steve. Steve is in love with Duke's daughter but Duke disapproves of the match, envisioning a life of hardship and danger for the girl if she marries Steve..


A pretty woman approaching middle age rents out rooms in a small Italian town. An aging sailor and a handsome younger man are amongst the lodgers.


Some kids find by chance an infant in swaddling clothes left in a meadow. Initially, after having led in their lair, they think of selling it to a caravan of gypsies.
