Carlos Carella

A man has to come to terms with his wasted youth, estranged family and grim prospects for the future.


In 1956 a military civic coup against self-appointed Liberating Revolution fails, and in Jose Leon Suarez, Argentina, are killed several suspected to be part of the civil uprising. However survive seven people manage to tell the story.


The 1971 Film about the mysterious Argentine hero Santos Vega, popularized by the writers Bartolomé Miter, Hilario Ascasubi and Eduardo Gutiérrez.


A once prominent family fight each other over the inheritance of a run down mansion. Motivated by individual greed, they turn on one another until they unite to subdue a stranger prone to violence. Outwardly the family retains respectability and their name is not sullied, but irreparable harm is done to the unit and mutual trust is shattered in the wake of the events that transpire.


The adventures of two truckers (one Argentine and the other Mexican) carrying different people and a suspicious trunk

A wealthy man comes to Buenos Aires to avenge the death of his young brother. He starts a relation with a suggestive blonde singer from a nightclub run by a mafia boss. One of the musical numbers is made by Michelle, a well-known American transvestite and is the first appearance of a transvestite in an Argentine film, something daring for the time.
