Carlos East

A wild police officer attempts to rescue a child from the hands of kidnappers.

A city is terrorized by vicious drug dealers.

Horse-trainer discovers a magical statue and steals it from its hiding place. The curse of the werewolf results.


A former drug runner plots his revenge against the man who murdered his family.

Creatures from hell pursue and kill their victims.

A group of friends find a map which claims will lead them to the location of the fountain of youth.


Hugo Stiglitz is a treasure hunter who leads an expedition that includes Roberto Ballesteros, an important scientist, and Edna Bolkan, a beautiful anthropologist, into the jungle. The group arrives at an ancient tomb and after opening it, they take the bones found inside. But the remains in the tomb seem connected to a high priest who was sacrificed. By violating the tomb, the group has unwittingly awoken a diabolical being named Chaneque, who will commit the bloodiest murders in order to retrieve the stolen remains. The key to the plot is a little girl who the beast intends to kill


The bishop of Culiacan and three priests are dedicated to investigate the alleged miracles of Jesus Malverde, a bandit deceased at the end of XIX century who is said, stole from the rich and gave to the poor; which is enough reason for the locals to venerate him.


Many years ago, aliens released Keiko the killer whale on Earth. Since then he has spent most of his life in a water park and has taken the love from their caregivers and the public. Everything will change when the aliens come back for her.


An elite group of police must stop international terrorists from killing Pope John Paul II during his visit to Mexico.

Know what this is about?


An evil witch gets burned at the stake, but not before vowing to return and get her revenge. A hundred years later a family arrive to spend their vacation at a summer home located in the same immediate countryside area where the witch was killed. Trouble ensues when little girl daughter Gaby finds an ugly doll that's possessed by the lethal spirit of the malevolent witch.


In Mexico City, a woman is raped every 9 minutes. This film details some of the legal and social problems in the country and how it's often difficult for women to find justice. Awarded Best Film by Mexican Cinema Journalists and nominated for three Ariel Awards.


People lost in a forest are murdered one-by-one.


Nina is a reporter who works in a Latin American country at war when she finds herself trapped in the line of fire and hires a mercenary pilot named Victor to help her escape the place, but the plane is attacked and the journalist and pilot have to parachute off the plane. They fall into the sea but with a life raft they make it to the jungle, where they have to coexist and she learns to survive.


Mexican horror-crime-type film, with a group of young people going on a brutal rape and home-invasion-killing crime spree and filming their escapades with a camcorder as it happens.


A family of three moves to a haunted house. The couple's 10-year-old son runs into the ghost of the house but isn't scared. He tells the ghost that since his father is a writer of horror novels he lost fear of horror stories. The ghost then confides in the boy that he is a lonely ghost on account of the modern world focused on so many material priorities. Child and ghost become best friends, playing together, telling stories and helping the ghost pay his rent by scaring people every month.


A guy whose brother was killed and a waitress whose sister was killed run afoul on a psycho killer who gets his jollies running people off the road with his big truck. Overcompensation much?


A retired mercenary known as 'The Executioner', is forced to take one more case especially when his girlfriend is kidnapped and raped, he then wages a one-man war against the mob with his execution style.


A Mexican scientific team and an Arab expedition clash over a powerful piece of metal hidden in the jungle. Oh yeah, and there's also aliens, a psychic, a sorcerer and a hostile tribe who do the occasional human sacrifice.


Lola finds herself into the world of violence and drug trafficking when her father is murdered for refusing to put his truck to the service of a powerful cartel, with protections at high police levels. Knowing the local officials will not serve out justice, she takes matters into her own hands. Armed with a machine gun, she'll attempt to get revenge by her own hands - but the enemy has more firepower than her.


A well-known playboy (Andrés García), and his gay assistant (Roberto 'Flaco' Guzmán), are victims of a plane accident when their private jet crashes. In the accident, the millionaire suffers the mutilation of his penis, forcing him to travel to the United States and invest his fortune in a technological reconstruction of his male organ, thus becoming the first Bionic Male of Mexico.


A group of veteran boxers find a young potential champion to train.


This horrific dramatization of the Guyana tragedy traces the steps of Reverend Jim Jones, a highly charismatic, but profoundly paranoid clergyman, who after years of evangelism and good deeds, begins his own church in the mid-western United States. When Jim Jones becomes increasingly obsessed with the belief that the CIA is "a wicked enemy" who is out to get him, he emigrates with his congregation to Guyana, where he plans to create a utopia. But Jim Jones' utopia consists of a society where he demands his followers turn their minds, bodies and possessions over to him, one that is rife with orgies, physical violence, mental torture, and sexual abuse of children and adults. Ultimately, Jim Jones' paranoia reaches a fevered pitch that culminates in him taking savage action against his own congregation. (VCI Home Video)


At the beginning of this century some owners of rubber plantations in the Amazonas jungle convert a village into one big prison. But the inhabitants have other plans...


The passengers and crew of a boat on a summer cruise in the Caribbean stray near the famed Bermuda Triangle, and mysterious things start happening.


A psychopath named Jenkins is wanted by the law. There is a $5,000 reward for his capture but Jenkins has the supernatural help of a witch named Ramona, which gives it the power to see the future.


Juan Preciado, son of Pedro Páramo, goes to Comala to claim his inheritance; but when he arrives he finds an abandoned and sinister town, inhabited by mysterious voices and whispers…


Based on a true story in the American owned Cananea mine. It depicts how the owner profits while the Mexican workers struggle to survive and are exploited for their labour.


Mexico, 1978


An airplane goes down in the ocean during a storm and a few survivors find refuge on a small tour boat. Swept out to sea, these people slowly starve to death in the hot sun with barely any food or clean water. With no place to turn, the boat survivors resort to cannibalism to stay alive...that is ..until the rescue planes come to pick them up and the man eating sharks decide its time to eat as well.


Two shark hunters flirt with an attractive British lady while hunting down a large tiger shark terrorizing the Mexican East coast.


An African safari is attacked by savage natives and the sole survivor is an infant who is adopted and raised by gorillas. As he is growing up, his only human friend is a native boy he happens to meet in a chance encounter. He grows to be a young adult, discovers white civilization, and meets a beautiful white girl who becomes his mate. They have a son who becomes the second jungle boy in the movie, and the three of them prevail through perilous adventures.


Dave Boland (Carlos East) wears a strange medallion and robs the bank. He also takes the banker's daughter with him. Then he rapes her and put the satanic mark on her body. He was caught and was prepared for hanging. At moment before hanging Dave uses his supernatural power and makes a local shoe-shiner his accomplice. While running from sheriff Dave was injured and after some time dies. But before his death Dave gives this medallion to shoe-shiner Oscar and asks him to take revenge in the name of Satan. So he does it and also continue to rape and kill women never forgetting to leave satanic mark on their bodies...


1862. Commodore Sir Francis and inventor Douglas initiated on behalf of the Royal Society of London Geography of a balloon ride under the command of Dr. Ferguson, who plans to cross Africa from east to west. But to accomplish this feat will have to overcome numerous adventures in which their lives are at serious risk.


Third movie in "Life of Christ" trilogy.


A vengeful widow hires a professional killer to train her son so that he can hunt down and kill the men who murdered her husband. The quest for revenge soon becomes an obsession.


Priest suffers a head injury, develops amnesia, ends up in a hippie commune.


The inhabitants of a small, remote island have been practicing voodoo rites and worshipping an evil priest named Damballah for years, but the local law officials generally turn a blind eye to this death cult's bizarre activities. Captain Labesch arrives from the mainland, determined to crack down on the island's lawlessness and clean up the ineffectual, hard-drinking police force. He appeals for assistance from wealthy plantation tycoon Carl Van Molder, who owns nearly half of the island and wields a great deal of influence over the population. Van Molder has made the study of parapsychology his life's work and believes in the secret powers of the mind. He warns Labesch not to interfere with this forgotten island's ancient ways. Also visiting is Van Molder's niece, Annabella, a temperance crusader who wants her uncle to help fund the International Anti-Saloon League. She falls in love with handsome police lieutenant Andrew Wilhelm


A plane blows up shortly after take-off during the credits. Then flashbacks detail the stories of all the passengers who booked flights on it.


Horror film released as "The Fearmaker" in the United States.


Career-thief hides from the police by joining a convent.


Three young women are ready to marry, but their father inserts himself into the decision-making process.

A young woman and her drug addict boyfriend plot to drive the woman's stepmother insane with LSD in a plot to secure an inheritance.


Man develops a reputation as a great bedroom athlete after publishing a 'spicy' novel.


Spy spoof -- bad guys are looking for a stockpile of some element crucial for construction of space-ships.


Every time the newlyweds think they'll be able to consummate their marriage, some obstacle comes up. Months go by... Sequel to "Adios, cunado."


The Secret Agent Lafargue locates the evil Professor Marcus headquarters, who with the help of Dr. Bellini and an android of his invention, plan to conquer the world. Lafargue is discovered and severely injured, so he is unable to remember where it is the basis of Marcus or what their plan. To resolve this situation the authorities call the Agent Zero team.


Criminals hiding out on an island find a shipwrecked stranger.


Young men in the forestry service bust up an illegal logging cartel being run out of City Hall while pairing off with young ladies of the town.


Blue Demon returns in one of his best adventures like Agent Zero, who this time is facing a criminal organization that attempts to poison the world with a deadly gas (whose formula is unknown). This time, Zero (Blue Demon) is the only one qualified to investigate and prevent Hans plans, the evil leader of the organization.


It was based on a novel by Vivien Connell.


The frightening Boris Karloff 60s thriller with Karloff as a demented doctor using torture for scientific experiments.


The love affairs of two couples, modern parents a couple of troubled teens.


The story of a Playboy bachelor who does not know the good that is, until he is married. Slowly, the man discovers that having a woman is not easy, but sometimes ... being faithful recomended. After sympathetic experiences and funny situations, he realizes that there are two uncorrectable errors committed by the man in your life: Being born and married!
