Carlos León

It was a bachelor’s life for hard-working and fun-loving Ray Ray Dominguez (Joey Dedio) who dreamt of leaving the barrio for a more carefree existence in Miami. That’s until one day when everything changed – and he became a reluctant “Tio Papi” aka Uncle Daddy to his sister’s six children ages 6 to 16. Now, in charge of raising this energetic (and expensive) clan, Ray Ray must make important decisions on what life really is all about. Combining heart-warming drama with light-hearted comedy, TIO PAPI, directed by Fro Rojas from the original screenplay by Joey Dedio and Brian Herskowitz, is an upbeat story of life’s unexpected surprises and ultimately what matters the most – the love of family.


Horror with a western setting.


Two detectives infiltrate a smuggling gang to take revenge for the murder of their brother and his family.


Married couple becomes a threesome with two women, but "sexual liberation" turns out to be more difficult than they imagined.


At The Play Boy strip club, everybody's got a story. Owners, employees, customers...


Dave Boland (Carlos East) wears a strange medallion and robs the bank. He also takes the banker's daughter with him. Then he rapes her and put the satanic mark on her body. He was caught and was prepared for hanging. At moment before hanging Dave uses his supernatural power and makes a local shoe-shiner his accomplice. While running from sheriff Dave was injured and after some time dies. But before his death Dave gives this medallion to shoe-shiner Oscar and asks him to take revenge in the name of Satan. So he does it and also continue to rape and kill women never forgetting to leave satanic mark on their bodies...


Highly convoluted Mexican concoction involving the titular 'Devil's Horse' and a violent son brought back to life, courtesy of the aforementioned Devil who begins straight away to be even more violent then before, this time extending his violence to women and animals.


After reading in the newspaper, Úrsulo runs to seek employment. It is the position of caretaker of a luxury apartment building habited by people more heterogeneous: the professional model, the spiritualist, hippies and all turn to him to solve their problems. But someone in the building, kidnapped an important person and Úrsulo becomes a private investigator.


Single father with a disability struggles to raise his son.

In the late 1800's, Boris Karloff has discovered a way to use nuclear power. He creates a beam weapon and blows up a big rock. Outer space aliens are scared and one alien who looks a lot like James Cameron with a big fake nose only this one isn't fake lands and brings other aliens who take over the bodies of Karloff and his assistant. The assistant is a Jack the Ripper style killer who has done a few nasty murders which have riled the townsfolk. The body-snatched bodies become radioactive and start killing flowers and other stuff (but don't die themselves) and some stuff happens and in the end Karloff destroys the beam weapon equipment (and his lab and house), then the aliens leave and warn us that if anyone ever does it again there will be trouble.


A sharecropper and his daughter, a swarthy beauty, flee from the hacienda on which they live and join the Mexican Revolution.


Mauricio is a photographer that works for a very important advertisement company. It all starts with Mauricio's work being criticized by the company, to which Mauricio jumps into the discussion and explains to the company that his idea was misinterpreted, and quits. Mauricio bent on revenge, and promises to be enemy number one of his former employers, sets off and works so hard photographing so many models, that he develops a click that when he blinks his eyes, he can see anybody in their underwear. A lot of Mauricio charm, famous quotes and pranks in this movie, very entertaining and beautiful women for that time. Very recommendable.


Public health thriller: rabies in Mexico City.


Cowboy-hero series, first of two. Sequel: Pistoleros de la frontera.


Among Delia, a socialite, and Jorge a bohemian cabaret pianist, begins a relationship that ends in tragedy.


Three masked horsemen vs. crooked saloon-owner and his henchdudes.


Neutron, a superhero/wrestler, goes up against a mad scientist and his army of monsters.


Immediate delivery recounts the misadventures of Feliciano Callosum (Cantinflas), a postman who is recruited by the secret counterintelligence service (called XU-777 secret agency), and must uncover an international conspiracy.


Hero on horseback.


Female CEO hires a man to pass as her husband and act as figurehead of her business concerns.

Papa and the butler try to find an acceptable husband for daddy's spoiled little girl.

The movie situated in post-revolutionary Mexico describes the way politics were done in those times. Ignacio Jimenez is chosen as the candidate of the Partido Radical Progresista, but he isn't so sure about it, because he knows his boss, El Caudillo has chosen another candidate. Several political moves are done between the parties, leading to a thunderous climax.


Some unlucky accidents cause an innocent person to be convicted to jail time, and on release he can only find gainful employ in a criminal gang... but a little girl in a house he breaks into rehabilitates him with her innocence and simplicity. And stuff.

During the Mexican Revolution, Beatriz's body is discovered by some kids. The police began to investigate the history of Beatriz.


Border town is overrun with wastrels and scofflaws, so the City Council decides to hire a notorious gunslinger to help them clean up their streets.

Aroused citizens assassinate an unpopular Caribbean despot, then two men vie for his gorgeous widow Ines. Ojeda is a steamy, isolated island, the penal colony for an oppressive dictatorship. A reactionary seizes the murdered governor's post, and rushes to eliminate his romantic rival, an idealistic underling. The bureaucrat Vazquez hopes to marshal the angry residents of the capitol, El Pao, plus the many political prisoners, to oust Governor Gual.


The film tells an episode of the life of a kindly hearted bootblack who becomes accidentally the tutor of an orphan but nevertheless spends all his time and effort for the sake of the boy.


A nightclub performer decides to raise the baby boy she found abandoned in a trash can, putting her job and social life in jeopardy.
