Carlos López Moctezuma

Rags-to-riches story about the rise of a fictional ranchera-music superstar.


An abandoned child steals to survive and has problems when he decides to steal from the priest who helps him.


The arrival of a new school-teacher to a small town triggers various large and small upheavals, including the Police Chief's total meltdown into raging psychosis.


Two salesmen compete for top honors at the company they represent.

A man is murdered. His father tracks the killer, hoping to get revenge before the police capture him. What happened to cause his son's death is gradually revealed.


Subsistance-farmer emigrates to the city in search of opportunity, loses contact with his wife and children.

A soccer coach gets caught in the middle of the conflict between a millionaire and his wife.


Ambitious young woman decides to leave her backwards hometown and move to Mexico City to study for a scientific degree.


Respected civic leader hired a gunman twenty five years ago to commit a murder for him. Now that guy is blackmailing him, and meanwhile his two daughters are competing over a boyfriend.


An east-coast financier is touring the far west via stagecoach; in Nogales AZ, his son is kidnapped and three rival groups of black hats try to profit from the situation.


Retired singer with a history of mental illness acts as housemother for a gaggle of young adult 'friends' who exploit and disrespect her.


Two street gangs vie for primacy, which will give them control of drug smuggling and stolen jewelry.


Establishment politicians and Revolutionists take turns running a small town circa 1915.


In the service of Satan, a murderous vampire is turning wrestlers into his unwitting thrall, and it's up to Mil Máscaras and Superzan to stop him and save the world.


Adaptation of The Fall Of The House Of Usher.


Band of ex-soldiers embark on a life of crime; their leader, meanwhile, wants to track down the man who murdered his parents.


Decadent, failing Mexico City family get life-lessons from rural visitors.


Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde, adapted once again.


Based on a real event, the action takes place in Havana in 1931, during the dictatorship of Gerardo Machado. Rachel, a young French showgirl, is murdered during an orgy involving personalities of the bourgeoisie and politics. The tabloid press echoes the story to divert public attention from the serious social problems that affect the country. The governors on their part order to silence the case to protect the characters involved.


Man is manipulated into thinking his wife is unfaithful and abandons her, taking one of their two sons with him. Twenty years later...


Young man returns to his childhood home-town, planning to git the people that killed his father.


Romantic conflicts set against a Mexican Revolution backdrop.


Mama's four girls are all newlyweds or engaged to be married. Four hubby/fiances plus inlaws = wacky complications.You betcha.


A surgeon transplants the heart of an ape into his ailing son with horrific results.


The farce starring Polivoces , creative Mexican comedians duo formed by Enrique Cuenca and Eduardo Manzano, in the roles of characters and Gordolfo Naborita respectively. When the child Gordolfo question the identity of his father, devoted Naborita recounts the story of his family in five innings , located in the contexts of the Stone Age , the Roman Empire , incursions of English pirates in the Caribbean , West American and the space race of the years after World War II .


One of Zapata's field marshals runs afoul of dictator Huerta's stooges in his home town.


A lawman and two sidekicks clear up a series of crimes related to mining rights.

Five criminals are arrested after a bank-robbery. One escapes, and the police officer in charge of transporting them arrests a new person at random to cover up for his negligence.


Cowboy detective investigates two murders.

Newlyweds find married life to be challenging.


Bad woman conspires with young lover to kill her mature husband.


Super-detective muscle dude in tights vs a criminal mastermind who doses women with ugly serum to make them commit crimes.


Short-lived superhero-adventure series. One sequel.


Villa's regiment demobilizes at the end of the Revolution, but the ruling faction in the provisional government isn't eager to see them reintegrate into civilian society.


Motherhood-and-martyrdom melodrama.


M/F couple joins the Revolution, but she ends up in bed with Villa.


The women of a brothel adopt a foundling baby.


When Santo beat to Estrangulador, one of his strongest enemies, thought not ever see it, but thanks to Tor returns to avenge the death of Santo.


Crooked dude schemes to deprive stepdaughter of her inheritance after her mother dies.

When criminals kidnap her brother and force her to secretly exchange their counterfeit dollars for real ones, bank cashier Rosa looks to an unassuming office boy named Julio to help her pull it off. But Rosa's buttoned-up bank manager boyfriend can't help but notice that something suspicious is going on, so he resolves to get to the bottom of it. Armando Silvestre, Irma Dorantes and Carlos Montesco star in this classic crime drama.

Campesino with leadership qualities is indecisive about whether he should join the Revolution or concentrate on improving conditions at his farm, also about whether he cares about the nice girl he grew up with or the fancy woman who runs the local brothel. Most of his plot points don't come to a head until after the revolution's over, and then after General Huerta's coup.


The story revolves around a farmer who is tried for stealing a military rifle and is sentenced to death.

Gorgeous IRA operative Marie flees the British authorities and finds herself somewhere in the American continent, where she meets a stunning woman also named Marie, a singer in a traveling circus. The new friends start a vaudeville act that grows exponentially more popular after they incorporate striptease into their routine. When the singer Maria falls for a charismatic rebel, the girls leave the circus behind and recreate themselves as wild-eyed revolutionaries.


An heiress and some friends pose as gypsies to fight back against some bad-hats who are squatting on her new estate.

Dishonest business practices and corrupt local government lead a large number of townsfolk to set up an alternative village out in the countryside, from which to practice banditry and improvised social justice.

Wandering-cowboy-hero, 1960s style, tries to borrow some prestige from classic 1940s ranchera movies & music.


A young man is executed for a murder he didn't commit. His brother shows up to clear his name and see that proper justice is done.

Daniela – a single mother, whose boyfriend left for the US – believes wholeheartedly in Cuba's revolutionary new order. Meanwhile, in Florida, a plot is afoot. Under the command of an American officer, four Cubans ex-patriots and a Guatemalan land on the Cuban coast to prepare a US invasion of the island. Daniela's superior, the corrupt Cuban officer Palomino, is secretly helping the invaders and the young woman becomes entangled in the intrigue.


B-movie western, sequel to El solitario.


Mama has four daughters in their late teens. some of them might be more interested in careers than husbands, but she's hoping she'll find a highly suitable young man for each of them. If there are any out there that meet her standards.


A rare and impossible to find Mexican adventure / fantasy / horror.

Divorced Dad's planning to remarry, so Daughter #1 notifies Mom and Daughters #2&3. Then parents, daughters and boyfriends act out for 80 minutes.


A mysterious killer abducts girls off the street and covers them in wax.


The bad guy's trying to push through a land-speculation deal and force his sister to marry someone against her wishes. The good guy interferes.


Semi-comic series western about two brothers what is good-guys. From the series "Los Hermanos Barragan."

Itinerant gunslinger poses as local gal's fiance to protect her from an itinerant blackhat.

Bastard son kidnaps legitimate heir in attempt to suborn their father's estate... but a surrogate comes forward to impersonate the real heir while the other problem getss resolved.

Zorroesque adventure pitting two swordsmen against a newly-appointed governor who wastes no time in displaying his despotic tendencies. Sequel to En El Viejo California.

A vampire is on the loose in an old west town.


Controlling papa won't let his daughters have boyfriends.

Jungle adventure about the search for a lost treasure.

Frustrated salaryman responds to career setbacks by embarking on a life of crime.


A sympathetic elder docsplains life to a teenaged girl in his neighborhood.


A young woman inherits a mansion, only to discover that it is haunted by witches and evil spirits.


Feature on the adventures that develop the most perfect of false priest.


Unscrupulous landowner and his family are trying to deny water rights to the townsfolk. Particular beef with the guy that runs the mill. Ultimately the Revolution rolls through town and helps put everything right.

A woman takes revenge in the family of her lover.


The movie situated in post-revolutionary Mexico describes the way politics were done in those times. Ignacio Jimenez is chosen as the candidate of the Partido Radical Progresista, but he isn't so sure about it, because he knows his boss, El Caudillo has chosen another candidate. Several political moves are done between the parties, leading to a thunderous climax.


Law officer tracks and recaptures escaped convict.


After the US annexation of Texas, a landowner from Guanajuato faces problems from bigoted new neighbors.

Bank-robber hiding out after a heist discovers that half the world knows where he is. Can he finesse some way out of his predicament?


The story is developed on a rural community and the main character is the rural school teacher who is about to lose his job and his sight due to a degenerative visual illness. The students don't miss a chance to play nasty jokes on his more then patient teacher... things change when a new boy attends to class, and there is where the roller coaster ride begins.


Mourners share their memories of a dead film-star at her wake, a la Citizen Kane. Only melodrama.


Family builds a houseboat and sets sail down the Amazon. Based on a novel by Jules Verne.


This film tells several short stories that end up lapsing in the emergency room of a hospital, because it is dedicated to nurses. Cantinflas appears at the end of the film playing the role of Luis, a man who has five daughters and looks forward to a boy, but fate plays a trick and the child dies at birth, but history gives a nice twist and a message of hope.


The story of the doomed love between Soledad and Román. She is the daughter of a rich man that wants to marry her with Ernesto, nephew of his friend, the judge. Román owns a little ranch. A brawl in the town will unleash several deaths that will affect the already difficult relationship.


The third and final chapter of director Ismael Rodríguez's series about Pancho Villa (Pedro Armendáriz)


Trumpet-player in a club band falls for a streety young woman; she dumps him to become a kept woman... and his roommate the pianist is dealing weed... and...


Family melodrama -- I think she got pregnant, but it's been a long time since I saw this.


Revolutionist and Army General compete for a woman


Directed by Alfonso Corona Blake


Wife-killer narrates flashbacks about how his obsessive jealousy led him to tragedy.


Enrique kills a man for stealing him a check he has received due to an accident. However, things get complicated because it had not yet been cashed. This will force him to try to forge the signature and eliminate any suspect, including his girlfriend Clara, who works in a law office and who talked him about the check. Police tracks the case, but by chance Pedrito, the police inspector's son, is also investigating on his own.


Priest defies the gods by refusing to sacrifice his daughter. Also: conquistadores.

A murderer turns himself to the police, but claims amnesia and insists he's unable to tell them anything about his crime.


Fishing-village girl sacrifices her reputation to the local banker to protect her family; fron there, she follows the path of least resistance, but she never forgets the fiance she left behind...


A peasant who works in a mahogany camp in the Mexican jungles with his family is disgusted with the miserable living conditions imposed upon himself and his co-workers, the peasant finally spearheads a revolt against the sadistic bosses.


As he rises through the ranks of the police department, a young officer gets more deeply involved in manipulating gang activity for personal gain.

An old professor in love with one of his students is rejected by her because of his advanced age. He then sells his soul in return for youth and a chance at love but things don't go as he planned.


A circus dancer marries a famous singer, but is threatened when a figure from her past blackmails her.


The first to die in an epidemic of meningitis in Vera Cruz is a French tourist. His wife Nellie, detached and indifferent, feels little grief and realizes that her coldness is her own doom. Over the next two days, she is attracted to George, a local drunk who does odd jobs for brothels and dances grotesquely for tourists in exchange for drinks. George has his own dark secret, a tragedy he caused that leaves him with a death wish. In assisting the local doctor to cope with the epidemic, these two emotional cripples enable each other to rediscover reasons to live and to love.


Divorced woman has to deal with blowback from the fact that her second marriage is only a civil union and not a church wedding. Meanwhile, her young-adult son is falling in love with a divorcee of his own, and faing severe opposition from his father over his choice of partners..


Playboy uses satanic powers to score with the babes.


Pops is dismissed from his banking job for embezzlement, and his family have to adjust to a more modest lifestyle.


On vacation, an old lady and her niece pick up a hitch-hiker.


In the lobby of the hospital of the City of Mexico, Dr. Alberto Robles receives a letter from his friend Juan the priest of Santa Cruz. In the text, the priest tells him that they both lived before his departure, and the reason why Alberto decided to leave the town where he struggled against gullibility and ignorance of the people towards their science and against David, chieftain who abused his power by invading land, such as a farmer Roque Suazo, who leaves the town after the death of his mother for being staffed by a healer instead of a doctor. Later, Roque returns to fight their land and falls in love with Soledad, a peasant who is in love with Alberto. Soledad pregnant from rape and dies during childbirth, so Alberto decides to go to the city.


Jailhouse drama, Warners-style action.


Ruined alcoholic doctor escapes a tropical plague and begins a new life back in civilization, taking over the identity of a dead man.


Woman prostitutes herself to the man who murdered her fiance, to get evidence of his guilt and bring him to trial.


Small-town rom-com from a female POV.

Rich woman manouevres in secret to restore her dead father's good reputation.


After discovering his wife in flagrante with another man, a gold prospector kills them both, then takes his daughter to live in the countryside, removed from corrupting influences. Fifteen years later...


Sculptor becomes infatuated with model. Everyone suffers.


Adaptation of Dostoyevsky's novel about a student who plans a conceptual murder and then butts heads with a police detective.


Mother and daughter return to Mexico to escape the US Civil War... and get caught up in the conflict between the French army and the fighters for independence.


Historical drama, romantic triangle plus war/espionage intrigue during the Maximillian vs Juarez conflict of the 1860s.


Boy witnesses a murder, killer terrorizes and exploits him.


Model son/employee/student is frustrated by poverty and surrenders to the temptations of a criminal lifestyle... in the same gang that twenty years earlier murdered his father OMG. Meanwhile his sister. Meanwhile his mother.


Cardoza's death, a candidate for mayor of a village chief enemy and Rosauro Castro, leads to Mr. Garcia Mata to undertake an investigation. Upon arriving realizes that even the whole town, including the mayor, lives in fear by the chief and only achieved revenge end the injustices committed by Rosauro Castro.


A single mother discovers her daughter getting ready to elope with an unworthy boyfriend, so she sits the girl down and tells her the whole entire story of her own very unhappy marriage.


Based on a popular song. An unhappy love affair becomes an excuse for heavy drinking and all-round debauchery.


Night shift at police headquarters; criminals and victims of all sorts pass through to get their cases sorted out.


Young woman has to choose between three potential husbands, so she leaves town for awhile to sing for a living and sort out her feelings.


Three soldiers desert the Revolution to put a plan into action to reclaim the estate that was usurped from one of them. Plan involves kidnapping the usurper's daughter...

Safe-cracker sets up a gangster rival to get arrested; after some unrelated adventures, that guy escapes from jail and pays him back.

A 1949 film.


Small-time crooks and bargirls, and also their mothers, get involved in a situation over some stolen jewels.

1880s-1890s rural adventure on horseback.


On a small Mexican island dwells a group of Indians who live in the traditional manner and who disdain outsiders. The beautiful Maclovia and the poverty-stricken Jose Maria are in love, but her father refuses to allow their marriage, or even any communication between them, due to Jose Maria's lack of means.


Army officer goes undercover to investigate political unrest in a border state.


Called by the Mexican President himself, and in spite of a heart condition, young teacher Rosaura Salazar travels to the deserted town of Rio Escondido to accomplish the mission of bringing education to the poorest people. Being there, Salazar has to fight Regino Sandoval the evil landlord of the town. He has transformed the town into his own property, imposing his will and spreading death everywhere.


Rom-com scheming; wealthy landowner wants to seduce one of his tenants, but she wants the other guy...

Evil landowner decides to appropriate a peasant's homestead and his wife.

When the government places restrictions on the Catholic church's autonomy, an armed uprising takes place. Disagreements over the new laws create conflict within the protagonist's family.


A secret agent investigates the death of the scientist who created a deadly ray only to find out his own wife is involved.

A young ice cream vendor, Roberto Terranova, witnesses a child being beaten and comes to his aid by physically overpowering the aggressor. His strength and natural ability catches the eye of a well-known boxing trainer. Considering him a diamond in the rough, he aims to put Roberto in the professional ring. But Roberto finds that his personal challenges must be overcome before he can achieve professional greatness.


College-educated emigre has to get macho when he returns home to the Venezuelan outback.


A crooked lawyer frustrates attempts to clear bandits from the local highways.

Theatrical troupe schemes to expose corrupt dealings in local government.


Farmhand moves to the city to be with his mother. He falls in love with the daughter of the rich family for whom she works as housekeeper, and decides to take advantage of his skill as a bullfighter to earn money and status enough to be able to court her.

The love between María Ángela and Fernando is impossible because there's an ancient history of hate between their families. His father killed hers, and other family members have killed each other for years. When María Ángela's grandfather finds she's in love with Fernando, he frames the young man and forces her to marry Manuel. Maria Ángela finds that Manuel doesn't love her and together plan her escape with Fernando. But things go wrong and the lovers find their destiny in The Spirit's Canyon.


Heroic adventures in the banana industry.


Latter part of the career of Padre Morelos, the 18th/19th century military leader. Sequel to... um... El Padre Morelos.


Adaptation of Dumas' swashbuckler classic.


Rich city family is close to bankruptcy; rich country cousins come to visit.


Third in a series; flashbacks remind us of the beef El Charro had with Carlos from his home town. While they move toward a final showdown, Carlos and his new evil buddy Rodolfo kill a couple more people just for kicks.


Romantic triangle, land-owner and two employees.


The old massa dies and his son comes home to take over the hacienda. Things are going to be a whole lot different now; he's overturning all the old social order. A-a-and...

Every passenger boarding The Express has a story.


A gang of thieves has jeopardized the city and even the police, whose chief urges their forces to captured the band within 48 hours. Meanwhile, band members meet in a cafe run by a widow and her daughter and her suitor, Cantinflas, who maintains a scuffle with the robbers running all at the station. Since then, Cantinflas become a member of the police force for special missions.


During the Mexican Revolution, the people tired of living in poverty and enduring the atrocities committed by the federals, decide to follow one of their own, General Demetrio Macias, a thief with tricks he learned in jail and who along with "La Pintada" decides to take his people to victory. Led by Captain Anastacio Montañez, the newly formed army fight and honor their code at the same time as they loot houses to spread the wealth.


A 1940 film directed by William Rowland.

Rom-com: collecting on a big inheritance "forces" a family to play games with their daughter's marital status.


A 1940 film directed by Antonio Helú.

Card-sharks blackmail a dissolute young man into participating in a big robbery; his brother takes the rap for him.


Comedy/drama about railroad workers.


Three Spaniards emigrate to Mexico and become prosperous landowners.


Horror / mystery.


Musical romance set in 1880s Mexico.


The paths of a young woman and her late husband's mistress cross without their knowing it, which causes much confusion for the two women and their new partners.


Mama thinks one of her sons is going into the priesthood... but he wants to join the army instead. Naughty uncle from Paris help him get out from under Mom's thumb.
