Carlos Villarías

Standard retelling of the the Gospels, with a brief epilogue about the death of Mary.


Legendary superstar María Félix, stars in this melodrama noir playing the role of Raquel, a woman who has a passionate love affair with married aristocrat Antonio. However, a sensual sculpture untitled “The Kneeling Goddess” and modeled after Raquel will lead Antonio down a memory lane he'd rather soon forget.


The story of Mary Magdalene from being a sinner to follow Jesus Christ.


A mousy, poor manicurist seeks to switch places with her more glamorous, wealthy twin sister.


Widower wants to remarry, but his adult children are slow to warm to his new wife. One daughter in particular tries very hard to discredit her in his eyes.


The film chronicles the adventures of a peasant family of the late nineteenth century to push through his work with the opposition and hatred of the rest of the villagers.


Stage magician/amateur detective helps police to solve a murder.


Cantinflas is a vagrant being evicted for not paying rent, after wandering gets a job at the 'Grand Hotel' through a friend, that's confused by Count Zapatini, who is undercover in the hotel, stealing a gem making this funny movie more complicated.


Amable is the drinking buddy of Paquito, a former medical student who plays Fanny's love, a cabaret singer and also with Conchita, a showgirl. One day, Paquito receives a telegram that his uncle Pancho vayaa asked to see his wife and other medical eminence to heal him his kidney ailment. Among all a hoax to mount Paquino not lose the inheritance from his uncle.


Romanian-French gigolo Georges Iscovescu wishes to enter the USA. Stopped in Mexico by the quota system, he decides to marry an American, then desert her and join his old partner Anita, who's done likewise. But after sweeping teacher Emmy Brown off her feet, he finds her so sweet that love and jealousy endanger his plans.


Ralph Bellamy and Margaret Lindsay, stars of Columbia's "Ellery Queen" series, let their hair down and went "screwball" in the Universal comedy-mystery Meet the Wildcat. Bellamy plays a New York gumshoe on the trail of an art thief. His investigation is confounded by the presence of snoopy girl reporter Lindsay.


In California in 1848, Brunton through his stooge Sheriff is evicting the Mexicans from their ranches. Major John Freeman and his troops arrive to investigate. Keeping his troops hidden and appearing out of uniform, he takes up the fight against Brunton. He helps a rancher who has been evicted before his taxes were due only to find him murdered and this leads to the showdown between Brunton's men and the soldiers.


Based on the Spanish play "El caudal de los hijos" by José López Pinillos. Francisca, the daughter of a provincial gentleman in Valencia, falls in love with Miguel, a young sculptor. When Miguel leaves for Paris to complete his studies, the lovers promise to wait for each other. During Miguel's absence, however, the Duke of Montesino calls on Francisca's father and asks for her hand in marriage. Her father, pressed for money because of gambling debts, agrees to the match.

An American tourist in South America finds love and unexpected trouble.


A screenwriter falls in love with a Mexican woman while searching for a story line south of the border.


Tex has been sent to investigate the theft of government provisions along the border. Kildare is the leader of the outlaw gang and has his men posing as Indians. He has already killed the incoming Marshal and assumed his identity. When Tex asks too many questons, he plans to get rid of him also.


A troupe of traveling entertainers become stranded in Paraguay.


Rita Santiago's father, Don Antonio, stubbornly refuses to give permission for her to marry Julio Bertolin, a struggling medical student, because he wants his daughter to marry a rich Brazilian. Because of this, Julio leaves medical school and determines to gain wealth and position for himself by becoming a singer.

Mad scientist, a neanderthal and a drunk makes a crazy combination.


A woman with a past meets a man with a past; the back story of each one represents an obstacle to their couple-bonding. Will they work through their traumas?

'Ora Ponciano stars Chucho Solorzano as the eponymous hero. Set in 19th-century Mexico, the story deals with a celebrated matador named Ponciano, as skillful with the senoritas as with the toros. Special attention is lavished upon the romance between the bullfighter and the fair Rosario (Consuela Frank). Much of the film is given over to authentic re-creations of various folk festivals and dances, with the extras colorfully (and accurately) costumed for the occasion. The fact that the bullfighting sequences are not excessively brutal is an indication that the producers of 'Ora Ponciano hoped to release the film in the U.S.

Dr. Forti carries out strange experiments, assisted by his son Pablo. They embark on an expedition to the jungle. Eight years later Forti returns without his son but strange things start to happen in the old house where they live.


A ship disappears without trace. What happened to the crew? Years later there's news of possible survivors and soon a rescue team is setting sail. Eventually they discover a young man living on a remote island and they ask him to leave with them. He refuses, so they abduct him. But he gets his revenge and guides them into the lair of the devil of the deep. Alternate language version of THE SEA FIEND (1935)

Ruth Etting sings "Ay, Ay, Ay" in this 1935 film with Mario Álvarez, along with other songs.


In the early days of sound, it was common for Hollywood studios to produce Hollywood foreign-language versions of their films (usually in French, Spanish and German) using the same sets, costumes and etc. Unfortunately, most of these foreign language versions no longer exist. The Spanish version of Dracula is an exception. In recent years this version has become more highly praised by some than the English language version. The Spanish crew had the advantage of watching the dailies from the English crew's version when they came in for the evening and they would figure out better camera angles and more effective use of lighting in an attempt to "top" it. As a result, this version's supporters consider it to be much more artistically effective.
