Carmen Guerrero

During Mexican Revolution, Rosalio Mendoza survives by making and winning favors from both factions, the governmental forces and Zapata's Army. His hacienda welcomes everybody, and Mendoza is considered a good friend of his guests. Eventually, the situation becomes unsustainable and he has to take sides. Betrayal and deception overcome and Mendoza's dark side surfaces


A 1933 film.

An expanded, Spanish-language version of the two-reel comedy Thundering Tenors (1931).

Locuras de amor is a comedy short from Charley Chase with all speaking Spanish

In the early days of sound, it was common for Hollywood studios to produce Hollywood foreign-language versions of their films (usually in French, Spanish and German) using the same sets, costumes and etc. Unfortunately, most of these foreign language versions no longer exist. The Spanish version of Dracula is an exception. In recent years this version has become more highly praised by some than the English language version. The Spanish crew had the advantage of watching the dailies from the English crew's version when they came in for the evening and they would figure out better camera angles and more effective use of lighting in an attempt to "top" it. As a result, this version's supporters consider it to be much more artistically effective.


Charley suffers a hysterical reaction whenever a woman touches him; a psychiatrist attempts to help him overcome his panicked reflex.


This here is the four-reel Spanish version of Charley Chase's Looser Than Loose.

Alternate-language version of Girl Shock (1930)

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