Carmen Porcel

This spaghetti western presents a fictitious version of the often filmed legend of Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid. Billy becomes innocently an outlaw while protecting his mother, but then turns into a trigger happy killer. When he falls in love he tries with the help of Pat Garrett, a fatherly friend, to change back. However, circumstances force Billy to become violent again and it is Garrett who is credited with the killing.


Blas Romero "El Platanito" is a bullfighter who begins to take its first steps in Merida. After a long journey, one day he is lucky enough, his performance is showed on TV and that brings him to top of the charts. From now on, his problems will be centered with the dilemma of having to give up their dreams of making serious classical bullfighting, or jump to a false bullfighting, between slapstick and temerity, which will give offer him numerous well-paid contracts.


Inspired by the American gangster films, a group of thugs decides to dock the Bank of Spain. "El Rubio" explains to his men that, to commit the armed robbery, they will have to dig a gallery in the Cibeles. But, due to the threats of a rival band, "El Rubio" decides to disguise itself and pretend to be one of the most famous actors of the moment.


A writer stumbles into a job as a mob enforcer.


A boy of fourteen enters to work as messenger boy in a flower shop. His first task is to bring a bouquet for a bride but arrives late and is forced to go to the altar. His second job is to bring a funeral wreath but uses it to save a man who is drowning in the river. Naturally, he is late again. In the afternoon, he carries a basket of flowers to the TV a Spanish movie star is performing. But he is wrong and takes another funeral wreath that is delivered to star in a big stage. Due to customer complaints he is fired and the store puts back the sign "boy is needed."


Dr. Orlof, a former prison doctor, abducts beautiful women from nightclubs and tries to use their skin to repair his daughter's fire-scarred face. He is assisted by Morpho, a deformed monstrosity who delights in biting his victims. Orlof had better hurry, though -- a young police inspector and his ballerina girlfriend are onto his sadistic practices.


Claudio is a kind mand who works as cashier in a company for several years. Whe he finds closed the bank where he has to deposit a millon of pesetas, he decides to go to a friends party. Due to alcohol effects, he share out the money to the people who need it more.


In 1913 a family of traveling musicians goes to the house of a rich marquise. Lolita, daughter of one of the musicians, encounters the son of the wealthy lady.
