Carole Jacquinot

En voulant aider Marylou à sortir de la délinquance, Pinot, simple flic, va se retrouver confronté à Tony, son compagnon, un dealer.


It is 1943 in Paris. Like so many others, the Bourbelle family's home has been taken over by the Germans and they now live in their cellar. Little do they know that the son, Guy-Hubert Bourdelle, is far from being the cowardly hairdresser he pretends. He is in truth the Germans’ most feared opponent: le super-résistant!


The independently-minded daughter of lower-middle class French shopkeepers, Brigitte, one of three sisters, refused to marry the father of her child when she became pregnant. In this film, she reminisces about her family life beginning when she was about five years old, up to the present when she is in her early 20s. Of her two sisters, one has a nervous breakdown and the other one becomes something of a baby factory. Colorful anecdotes of her eventful life lend additional depth to her insights.


The film is the immediate continuation of Un éléphant ça trompe énormément, released the previous year. Having fortuitously discovered a photograph in which Marthe embraces someone unknown, clothed with a chequed jacket, Étienne Dorsay becomes jealous, and imagines various stratagems to identify the lover. In the meantime, Étienne and his friends acquire a weekend house for a very low price. As in the previous work, the film is largely narrated by the character Étienne, whose tone shifts with the reality of the images. The film contains a certain number of allusions to the films of Blake Edwards (the Pink Panther series).


September, 1986. Alice and Martin are 17 years old. They come from provinces to Montesquieu high school in the capital. Like many youngs of their age, born in the 70s and nostalgic of a too comfortable childhood, they progress carefully in life. While Alice and Martin are finding their footing, demonstrations against the Devaquet law and the tragic death of Malik Oussekine are happening.