Carole Richert

Laura, 21, is determined to earn her High school diploma, just like anyone else. Except Laura is a bit different. She has Down syndrome. As she faces her own difficulties, she must also deal with the doubts of her loved ones and the occasional cruelty of her peers. Overcoming challenge after challenge between emotion and laughter, Laura battles for every inch of an opportunity that life tries to keep from her. Like a movie in which disability brings a fresh perspective on life challenges and the pursuit of happiness.


Nathan, 16, lives alone with his father Stephane. A newcomer in high school, he is invited to a party and falls in love with Louis, a boy in his class. They find themselves out of sight and kiss each other, but someone takes a picture of them. Soon, the photo is published on Facebook and a storm overtakes their lives as they face bullying and rejection.


A man investigating his son's death learns some horrific truths about the pharmaceutical industry.


A funny story about the adventures of a French family during their summer vacation which goes not exactly as planned.


A man has pre-wedding jitters on the eve before his marriage. His thoughts switch between sweet dreams and nightmares of a life with another woman.


A serial killer is on the loose in Paris and he seems to be an american citizen working in the US embassy and being in the middle of a french-american economical affair.


Zoé et Dan s'aiment. Elles vivent heureuses avec Simon, leur fils de 10 ans, près de Bruges. Même la mère de Zoé a fini par s'accommoder de la situation et vient désormais rendre visite à son petit-fils. L'arrivée de nouveaux voisins va bouleverser ce bonheur. Humilié par Max qui le traite de "fils de pédé de gouines", Simon transforme petit à petit sa honte en haine vis-à-vis de Dan, sans laquelle il aurait eu un vrai papa.


Historical drama centred around the legendary Breton heroine Marion du Faouët who was born Marie-Louise Tromel in 1735 in the little village of Faouët in Brittany. She became the leader of a group of highway robbers.


The Night and the Moment is a 1995 erotic drama. A writer (Dafoe) is invited to the house of a noblewoman (Olin) who adores free-thinkers. He attempts to seduce her but she insists that he tell her of his past love exploits. While doing so, he takes her through his time in prison where he was unknowingly incarcerated in the cell beside hers.


Max Schmulevitz runs a gargotte on Rue des Rosiers. Schmulevitz has the bailiff on his back. He is located across the street from Goldenberg's, who is in fierce competition with him. Moreover, Léa, his daughter, falls in love with a certain Christophe... Lebreton, an authentic goy! Max asks a friend to find him an "acceptable" son-in-law.

It's late 17th century. The viola da gamba player Monsieur de Sainte Colombe comes home to find that his wife died while he was away. In his grief he builds a small house in his garden into wich he moves to dedicate his life to music and his two young daughters Madeleine and Toinette, avoiding the outside world. Rumor about him and his music is widespread, and even reaches to the court of Louis XIV, who wants him at his court in Lully's orchestra, but Monsieur de Sainte Colombe refuses. One day a young man, Marin Marais, comes to see him with a request, he wants to be taught how to play the violin.
