Caroline Erikson

David, an author in his mid-30s, travels to the Greek island of Tinos with his wife Nina to spend time in a secluded beach house in the off-season. While David searches for inspiration for his new novel, Nina is looking for a new spark in their life.


Two university students gain insight into life and love as they get to know each other during a road trip across Europe.


True love never dies, the loving heart never stops beating ... for Kerstin’s ex Thomas, who she still hopes will come back some day. Instead of Thomas, her mother Charlotte shows up at her door, mid-50s and freshly single again, too. Charlotte moves in with Kerstin and her flatmates, one of who shows her how to use a modern dating app to meet new men. As mom starts dating again, her daughter refuses to let digital reality intrude on her romantic daydreams.
