Carsten Byhring

Kontanter er snart avlegs med det inflasjonstempoet vi har i dag... bedre med verdipapirer og fast eiendom! Disse tanker har også Olsenbanden gjort seg - og de tenker stort!


Snipp snapp snute - så var oljeeventyret ute. Ja, så forferdelig kunne det ha gått dersom ikke Olsenbanden hadde opptrådt på arenaen. En tidligere høyt betrodd medarbeider i Oljedirektoratet, nå finansmegler Brock-Larsen, er på jakt etter en mikrofilm inneholdende opplysninger om nye oljeforekomster i Nordsjøen. Disse vil han selge til et tysk storkonsern for 100 millioner D-mark. Egon kjenner til saken, og etter mange viderverdigheter kommer han i besittelse av filmen.


Egon er atter bak murene. Og atter fødes en ny plan. En korrupt diplomat har på ulovlig vis ervervet seg 10 millioner dollar på salg av subsidiert fjellsmør til utlandet. Disse pengene skal "vaskes rene" i den norske avdelingen av Verdensbanken. Egon regner med å få kloa i dem før de når dit.


Etter atter en tid på "Botsen" har Egon en genial plan klar. Med sin store forkjærlighet for timing og tilrettelegging retter han denne gangen blikket mot en av landets mest velsmurte og solide institusjoner: NSB. Egons frastjålte millioner er nemlig byttet inn i gullbarrer av noen multinasjonale slyngler, og barrene må fraktes med tog. Det kan ikke beskrives, det må ses!


The film opens in a small theatre, where the management of the company Clinox A/S watches their latest advertising push for the red condom Ding Dong . Everyone is excited and expect that here has been really could become a big bestseller . But the day after optimism disappears , Consumer Council prohibits the new condom . It is election year and the government is afraid the color offensive . Meanwhile, a mysterious woman named Lucy Ferner goes towards Oslo . She represents a Hong Kong group that is looking for a place where they can develop their energy consuming cosmetics industries.


Egon, Kjell og Benny, også kalt Olsenbanden, vikler seg inn i den ene farefylte situasjonen etter den andre - fra nifse opplevelser i middelalderkjellere hvor gjenferd går igjen til tidenes kupp i Nationaltheateret under det danske gjestespiller "Elverhøj".


The Olsen Gang has to pay for their summer vacation in Spain, and Egon is hired to open a safe with black market money in Switzerland. He is conned, but Egon has sworn revenge.


Timian and Rudolf owns a car repair shop, where a 1930 Ford is the main thing, when someone steals their savings.


The Olsen Gang has finally made it. They are in Mallorca, having fulfilled their dream. Almost, that is. They don't have any money, so Egon has to open a safe at a restaurant to get some. As usual, however, Egon ends up in prision. When they return to Denmark, he has a new plan.


Robert Lund (Roy Bjornstad) is a weary man, and his days as a starring saxophone player seem to be near their end. The Nazis have occupied Norway for some time, and he has been passing the time by telling his son Bobby (Erik Andersson) some tales of his previous exploits.


Egon, Kjell og Benny har gått under jorden, men da Kongen og Knekten utfordret dem måtte de slå til Igjen dreier det seg om store penger: 4 millioner i lett omsettlig mynt, nemlig moms-penger! I løpet av kort tid er de impliserte i tur og orden millionærer og raka fant en rekke ganger, For hva gjør man når man har 4 millioner mellom hendene? Man kan gjøre som Egon Olsen - eller som Kongen. De to har nemlig svært så forskjellige syn på hvordan en millionær skal oppføre seg.


The young factory girl Milja comes in disaster on board fishing with Julius, who fails her for the beautiful and unreliable Petrina. The people from the bourgeoisie despise factory girls and their bastard, they are vile and promiscuous. In his despair will Milja give away the kid for it to get a better life than she can provide it. But Onsea-Lovisa ready to change her opinion.


Det er de store overraskelsene som får latteren til å runge, derfor røpes ikke handlingen her! Men at det er en ny vri på sakene, det kan vi ihvertfall røpe. Kuppet - det riktig store - det endelige kuppet - kuppet over alle kupp - vil gi 6 millioner i svarte penger. Og hvem kjenner til dette? Egon Olsen og Politiet.


Hele banden med Kjell, Benny og Egon i spissen er denne gangen på jakt etter en skatt fra krigens dager, gjemt bort i en millitærbunker. De er ikke alene om jakten, det er flere som kjenner skjulestedet: Profesjonelle revolverbanditter, froskemenn og en skraphandler. Samtidig har militæret mistanke om at det foregår noe på sperret område.


This black-and-white Norwegian film is a great rarity: a film with comic elements set in a mental ward which does not overstep the bounds of common sense or good taste. One feature of the film is that it shows to a small extent the contributions of their families to the patients' plights.


Cleaning lady Lilly Hansen finds her employer, managing director Martinsen, with a knife in his back. The police is summoned and Chief Inspector Bakker is put on the case, despite suffering from the flu. When he arrives at the scene, the body is gone, to Lilly Hansen's dismay. Shortly after a body is found in nearby Palace Park...


En utenlandsk forbryterliga gjør et storstilt bankkupp. Mistanken faller på Olsenbanden. De redder seg unna, opptar jakten på de virkelige forbryterne og dermed er det hele i gang. Politiet er på jakt etter Olsenbanden, og de igjen er på jakt etter medlemmene i forbryterligaen.


Egon Olsen is the leader of the Olsen Gang. While he was in the slammer, he planned how he would steal the fantastic golden figure Keizeroppzatsen.


For many, the happy twenties were not very happy, with high unemployment, poverty and a bitter disillusioned youth. But at the same time there was prohibition in Norway, with large-scale smuggling and easy-earned money. Ernst, an unemployed architect, stumbles onto the smuggler path, and replaces a gray, boring life with a lush, rowdy and colorful world. Klara, the girl he loves, walks away from him, and Jenny becomes his new girlfriend. Together with Hugo and Elsa, these four make a number of smuggling trips by car - with big profits - but it's not enough. So Ernst invests in boats, and that's when the really messy smuggling starts. He operates in the entire Oslo Fjord, all the way down to Rotterdam, pursued by police and customs, with his infamous torpedo boats. We follow Ernst all the way to the so-called Bygdøyslaget, where smugglers and police brutaly clash together.


A caretaker at a music academy is solving most problems for the young musicians, however not only the most appropriate way. But down inside he really has a dream of his own, which goes far beyond being the caretaker.


Father and mother Andersen and their four children live in a closed down farmside storehouse in the outskirts of Oslo. They enjoy life here, but the many neibours surrounding them are less enthusiastic about the family's lack of respect towards the supposed social order and decency they live by.


Norwegian TV-Drama

Classic Norwegian Comedy from the 1960's. The Capital City of Norway is changing for the alleged better after WWII, yet not everyone wants anything to change, Living in their own way, not willing to accept truth, free enterprise and each other, As a result they spend plenty of time inside prison...


Directed and written by Arne Skouen, «Pappa tar gull» (also known as "Daddy's Success") is a 1964 Comedy film . Sølvi Wang and Henki Kolstad are starring, alongside Carsten Winger, Jon Lennart Mjøen, Synne Skouen and Willie Hoel.


Per has won the 50 kilometer in Holmenkollen, but which village is he from, Alvdal or Tynset?


In suburbia Solbråten has some residents received bildilla. The otherwise wayward husbands forget their obligations for both work and home. There is also a great contest in having more cars in their recovery than neighboring upswing.


A group of very different men are summoned for their refresher training at Haglemoen military camp. One more strange than the other, we get to meet jovial salesman Goggen Rask, car mechanic Bottolph Johansen, nicknamed daydreamer, and ship-owner Rieber Larsen Jr. They form an unruly faction which Major Kampstrup struggles to maintain structured and prepared, not to mention keeping them inside the camp premises before they pretend sick to see the nurses Bitten and Florence. The men do their best to get through their rigourous training, with great confusion and comical situations.


A love triangle of two men who desire the same woman. We follow them through three days of grouse hunting, a chase that ends violently. Or does it?


Boy scouts get hold of a sailboat that they travel down the coast with. They get on the trail of some smugglers, whom they catch after several dramatic episodes.

High summer, and eight scouts are on a hike when they discover a hidden motorbike. The bike is hidden by two post office robbers. They leave the find, but the robbers take one a hostage.

A six year old boy runs away from home with the family's big dog, a St. Berhard, who the grown ups wants to put down.


Based on a play by Jules Feiffer