Cassandra Nicolaou

Follow a woman as she embarks on a late-night journey through an unfamiliar urban landscape, searching for something she cannot name.


Seventy-year-old Daisy Graham is having a hard day. No one in her small town wants to let her forget about the big ceremony tomorrow, a ceremony at the local high school in her honour. But Daisy has more important things to think about than some ceremony - she's dug out her rifle, now all she needs is a box of bullets.


Two lovers linger one afternoon in bed in this sexy tale of lust and mistrust.


When two squeegee kids descend upon Sarah and her luxury sedan, the fuse is lit on a tense cat and mouse tale of captors and captives. Sarah is forced to continue her trip to an isolated cottage where the twisted trio bait and entice one another in a reckless search for truth.


In a desperate bid to take the guesswork out of finding a girlfriend, a faceless, voiceless, but obviously intrepid interviewer decides to make a job of it.
