Catalina Pulido

In a secluded house in a small seaside town live four unrelated men and the woman who tends to the house and their needs. All former priests, they have been sent to this quiet exile to purge the sins of their pasts, the separation from their communities the worst form of punishment by the Church. They keep to a strict daily schedule devoid of all temptation and spontaneity, each moment a deliberate effort to atone for their wrongdoings.


An aging criminal is double crossed by his partner and sentenced to 15 years in prison. After escaping he seeks revenge.


Laura comes to the big city with dreams of maing her way into the theater revue world. Everything was going great for her, until she gets involved in a brutal murder.


Three theater students, influenced by a professor and French theorist Antonin Artaud's acting technique, begin to experiment with their own lives, searching for real emotions and situations to bring onto the stage. Their obsession with becoming better actors leads them to their darkest sides, surpassing boundaries that neither they nor their teachers could ever imagine.


Santos, a failed comic book artist, lives in a parallel universe where he's a superhero who has to save the world.


"Pelluco" Solís, a young lower-middle class waiter, cross paths with Rodolfo Ruttenmeyer -a man who looks exactly like him- in an unfortunate accident that will change their lives forever.


Mariano Acuña is a widowed commercial pilot, father of a small daughter, who is torn between the love of Javiera Huidobro, an executive of a prestigious record company called Orbital Records and Deborah Meneses. a carefree young woman who resembles his wife in more than one way...
