Caterina Barbero

Lise Cohen is taken to a special prisoner-of-war camp for female Jews, a camp run as a bordello to entertain the German officers and troops going in to battle. The camp is run with an iron fist by Commandant Starker and his minion Alma. Starker becomes frustrated when Lise demonstrates no fear, and devises cruel experiments to scare her, to no avail. Once she realizes her guilt is unfounded, Lise begins to play Starker's game, but even though she begins living a better life, she doesn't forget the atrocities she has seen and experienced.


A wealthy man (played by former James Bond villain Adolf Celli) suffers from impotence whenever he tries to make love to his wife (Carroll Baker). Since Viagara hadn't been invented yet, his swinging liberal doctor (Luigi Pistilli) instead recommends a strong dose of infidelity. Before long he is rolling in the hay with a young lovely and needless to say his impotence problem is cured (it's amazing that he doesn't have a heart attack though). His wife is a little bitter, however, and decides to embark on her own affair. And if you're wondering with whom, well, just look at the title.


Following the death of her grandfather, Valentina settles with her husband Pierre, a sculptor, in the old family villa which she partly inherited (half of it belongs to her cousin Marta, who already resides there). Co-habitation proves to be awkward: Valentina is unscrupulous and uninhibited, while Marta is austere and virtuous - at least, on the surface. In fact, when Valentina suddenly dies, the woman initiates a seduction which eventually coaxes Pierre into her arms. The cosy situation soon changes when a police officer turns up to investigate Valentina's death...


Franco Adami injures a condescending prostitute to photograph her, but escaped from guilt, causing her death by bleeding.
