Catherine Aymerie

Vincent is a 17-year old ecologist who drives his family crazy with his attempts to reduce their carbon footprint. Vincent‘s giddy French aunt Nikki takes him on a trip to France, convinced that the boy‘s obsession is related to his suffocating mother. But on their road-trip, Vincent proves to be much more than Nikki can handle.


François Sim considers himself worthless and he may have good reasons for that. Hasn't he lost his job as well as his wife Caroline? Isn't he unable to relate to Lucy, his teenage daughter? Didn't he, when he was eighteen miss out on passion whereas the sexy, gorgeous Luigia opened her arms to him?


A young man, Eliot, comes back in his childhood district with the aim of preparing a movie for the Film School's admission exams. He meets up with Florence, a girl he hasn't seen for years. Together they recall the days when Eliot lived to the full thanks only to the super 8 camera his understanding father had offered him, sweeping along in his cinematographic adventures his best friend Maxime, who is wholly different from him and so lively, as well as Florence, whom he secretly had fallen for. The discord will soon lead to competition between the two boys until the day Eliot gets humiliated and changes his film roles in order to gain Florence's favors. But nothing runs as expected.


Marc Delvaux, a famous retired police commissioner, lives alone in a large building in the Lyon countryside on the banks of the Saône. When a lawyer friend asks him to house Emma for a while, a young woman who has to testify, he accepts without suspecting that he has just signed his return to the field.


Magali plays in a brass band. Guillaume drives a small tourist train. Both spin a perfect love, they share modest dreams and their baby is about to come. But an unexpected news upsets their routine: a man appears and announces that he is Guillaume's estranged father and also reveals that Guillaume is his legitimate heir of a kingdom offshore of France and England. Guillaume and Magali start to dream of a life as monarchs, surrounded by faithful subjects in their castle, enjoying their wealth. But reality is often different to what you can imagine.


Drama - During World War II, a woman aboard a railroad car full of deportees slips French railway worker Julien (Jérôme Deschamps) a note with an address and a simple message: "I am alive, and I love you," and he decides to track down the intended recipients. When he finds the woman's Jewish family, he is inspired to do what he can to protect them from the Nazi atrocities. This compelling drama from director Roger Kahane co-stars Dorian Lambert. - Jérôme Deschamps, Dorian Lambert, Agnès Soral


August 1917. Two pilots whose aircraft was shot down by the Germans hide in a castle. They meet Justin, the employee, who has just killed his master.

The theme of death is heavily interwoven in Smolder’s surreal salute to Belgian painter Antoine Wiertz, a Hieronymus Bosch-type artist whose work centered on humans in various stages in torment, as depicted in expansive canvases with gore galore. Smolders has basically taken a standard documentary and chopped it up, using quotes from the long-dead artist, and periodic statements by a historian (Smolders) filling in a few bits of Wiertz’ life.


A large family gathers in the country side for their two Grannies birthday. It's too bad one of the gifts happens to be from their devil-worshipping nephew, and upon opening it, the two loveable grannies turn into rabid, flesh-eating monsters.


In 1988, the Figaro magazine asked to a few famous directors a series of short movies, to celebrate the 10 years of the revue. The thematic : The French seen by - The movies have been released for the French revolution bicentenary. Werner Herzog - Les Gaulois David Lynch - The Cowboy and the Frenchman Andrzej Wajda - Proust contre la déchéance Luigi Comencini - Pèlerinage à Agen Jean-Luc Godard - Le dernier mot


The director’s cheeky sense of humour pops up in this rich colour short, wherein a class plays a particularly naughty trick on a teacher, whom Smolders uses as the straight man victimized by the class’ wicked sense of play. The compositions are clean and stark, and Philippe Marion’s score almost mocks the teacher’s efforts to teach the kids no matter what’s going on. - Amazon


Based on the real life story of Sagawa, a Japanese student who killed, dismembered and ate a young Dutch girl in Paris.
