Catherine Dale Owen

Mary Linden is the secretary who is the unheralded power behind successful executive James Duneen. He takes her for granted until rival Wales tries to take her away from him.


A gang of racketeers, with the aid of a high-ranking city official has control of a big-city, and the police plant an undercover cop to gather evidence against the hoodlums - except the police keep telling the wrong person what they are up to.


A wealthy young society couple loses their fortune. When the husband is forced to take a job like everyone else, the wife cannot deal with the sudden downward plunge of her once-privileged life and drifts into prostitution.

In order to use the publicity to get re-elected, a judge sentences a notorious gangster to fight in the war.


A wealthy and powerful industrialist changes his identity to avenge himself on the wife that spurned him on their wedding night.


An adaptation of W. Somerset Maugham's The Circle.


In czarist Russia, a princess falls for a dashing bandit leader, but their romance proves a stormy one.


Being engaged against her will with a wealthy man, Princess Orsolini (Catherine Dale Owen) is in love with Captain Kovacs (John Gilbert), a cavalry officer she is secretly meeting. Her mother Eugenie (Nance O'Neil), who has found out about the affair forces her to dump Kovacs and take part in the arranged marriage. Though not believing her own words, Orsolini reluctantly tells Kovacs she cannot ever fall in love with a man with his social position. Feeling deeply hurt, Kovacs decides to take revenge by indulging in blackmail, spreading a rumor that he is an imposter and a swindler.


Hollywood actresses including Jeanette Loff and Raquel Torres modeling Spring fashions in color.


A colonel of the French army in North Africa believes his brother, a sensitive musician, to be in love with the colonel's wife and so arranges for his brother to be drafted into the colonel's own corps. Unknown to either is the fact that the colonel's wife is actually an Arab spy.
