Cathy DeBuono

Rose spends her days fishing near the beautiful lake house she’s called home for 50 years. She’s not getting any younger and her daughter Patti worries about Rose being all alone, but the stubborn matriarch will not sell. There are memories here that she doesn’t want to leave. These come flooding back one weekend during a visit from Patti and granddaughter Allison, when a long-forgotten roll of film reminds Rose of the summer she met and fell in love with the bold and beautiful Louise.


7 girls and 1 fab gay guy plan a getaway to a remote ranch for a week of gossip and grub. They start off where they always do, old rivalries in place, extreme vanity covering great insecurities, but with a true love for each other underneath the bickering, sniping and sassing. A number of drinks into night one and a dark secret is revealed. The house they rented is the site of a mass murder of teenage girls 15 years earlier. Blood still stains the floors under replacement carpets. The killer still runs free. The girls take it for what it seems - a fun story for a rainy night by a roaring fire. But after one of them disappears and is discovered dead, the story doesn't seem so fun anymore. 1 by 1, they die, killed by their own vanity. The fun-filled week turns into a race against death. Who will make it out alive?


This intimate drama follows Rebecca, a woman who has kept her sexuality a secret from her friends but chooses to reveal it to a stranger. While Rebecca's revelations may not yield the results she expects, a perfect ending is still in reach.


A talented, but distracted photographer, Lola, on the verge of success in both love and work, could lose it all if she doesn't make it to a crucial meeting on time. But, as usual, Lola is late. With her job and girlfriend on the line, she has three chances to make it right. In a desperate race through the streets and back rooms of San Francisco, time grows short-will Lola make it? Will she come at all? With a pop sensibility that mixes live action, animation and still photography, And Then Came Lola explores love's age old question in a fresh new way, "If you try, try again, will you finally get it right?" (Written by M. Siler and E. Seidler)
