Catrin Stewart

On the last night before the residents of Penporth will be permanently evacuated due to rising sea levels, pub owner Ceri and her grown daughter Erin have to come to terms with the loss of their home and community.


Following the death of the tree she planted in memory of her lost twin, Laura returns home to the Gower, where she must overcome the profound grief and guilt she shares with her estranged brother Joe.

The Christmas Kid stars Craig Roberts (Red Oaks, Submarine,) in a warm-hearted comedy from writer/director Jamie Adams (Black Mountain Poets), about a former child star who learns what’s really important at Christmastime. Anthony Richards (Roberts) – you know, the Anthony Richards, The Actor – is depressed. His agent (Dolly Wells) has just dropped him, he’s unemployed, and he has little choice but to go home for Christmas - home to his doting mother, his jealous brother and a claustrophobic Welsh community that still reveres him as the home town boy who made it big. Back in his childhood home Anthony has demons to confront. But when Patricia (Erin Richards), the Head of Drama at the area’s most prestigious stage school, presents Ant with an offer to write and direct a play, Anthony finally has the chance to leave his Christmas Kid’s baggage in the past, once and for all.


A magical island, a stormy shipwreck and a royal mystery!

Loner Sam's life is transformed when he comes into possession of a gun and starts to break the law. His ambitious policewoman sister Gina is paid to uphold it and makes it her mission to find the owner of the weapon. The family saga plays out against an inquiry into the shooting of a local businessman that raises questions for Sam and Gina about their father's murder when they were young children.


Twin sister librarians Nan and Ana plan revenge when their author mother commits suicide, with her final words suggesting her biographer murdered her.


The series is the first to star Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor, an alien Time Lord who travels through time and space in his TARDIS, which appears to be a British police box on the outside. It also stars Jenna Coleman as his companion, Clara Oswald. Also playing a major recurring role in the series is Samuel Anderson as Danny Pink, Clara's boyfriend. The main story arc revolves around a mysterious woman called Missy (portrayed by Michelle Gomez), who is often seen welcoming people who have died throughout the series to the "Promised Land", a place that serves as an apparent afterlife to deceased characters. Missy's true identity is later revealed to be the Doctor's arch-enemy, the Master, who has hatched a plan using the help of the Cybermen and through manipulation of the Doctor and Clara's relationship.

When the newly-regenerated doctor arrives in Victorian London, he finds a dinosaur rampant in the Thames and a spate of deadly spontaneous combustions.


A prophecy is coming true. The Eleventh Doctor is summoned to Trenzalore where it was said he would fall. But what does the alleged site of his final battle have to do with the mystery of Clara Oswald? Can the Paternoster Gang help him avoid his apparent destiny? And most of all...Doctor who?

Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman introduce the Doctor Who Christmas prequel, The Great Detective, in which Vastra, Jenny and Strax try to persuade the grumpy Doctor to engage again.


Christmas Eve, 1892, and the falling snow is the stuff of fairy tales. When the fairytale becomes a nightmare and a chilling menace threatens Earth, an unorthodox young governess, Clara, calls on the Doctor for help. But the Doctor is in mourning, reclusive and determined not to engage in the problems of the universe. As old friends return, will the Doctor really abandon humankind, or will he fight to save the world and Christmas from the icy clutches of this mysterious menace?


An old-fashioned love story set in the South Wales valleys during the 1930s. Well-to-do doctor Andrew joins his father's infirmary, and in miner's daughter Bethan finds a spirit lacking in his previous girlfriends. The two fall in love, but their differing backgrounds prove a major sticking point.


The Walk is about a woman finding her own way of working through grief by the simple and profound act of putting one foot in front of the other, a visual poem and mediation of nature.
