Cécile Orblin

"You who enter, leave all your hope behind." Själö was Finland's first mental hospital. The hospital opened in 1622. Intended for those suffering leprosy. But Själö hospital also had a secret ward. A house for the insane. The ungodly and mentally ill were deposited here forever and their property fell to the church. In 1889 Själö became a storage area for women with "unbearable insanity".


10-year-old Vinski feels like an outsider and invisible among his age-mates, and even with his single mother Krista. Vinski meets a mysterious pharmacist who gives him a bottle of magical powder. A powder, that allows you to become invisible for real and walk through walls. It is fantastic to have the powers of a super hero, but soon a group of crooks becomes interested in the secret of invisibility as well.