Cecyl Tryan

A young girl is abducted by her tutor, and they set off in a ship which has a sheik on board, who tries to molest her, but she is saved by a sailor. He and Maciste fight off the entire crew but the girl is captured again by the sheik and carried off to his harem, where Maciste and the sailor rescue her and take her back to Italy.


Early Italian pirate adventure.


The unexpected arrival of his mother-in-law causes uncontrollable hysteria in Kri-Kri's home. Determined to scare her off, indeed get rid of her, he starts developing Machiavellian plans. Trying to poison, sabotage and beat her up, Kri-Kri stops at nothing to attempt to frighten his terrible mother-in-law, to the great displeasure of his sweet wife.


Lyda is a prostitute with no education and no hope for the future. Unfortunately, this ungrateful job leads her to have an unwanted pregnancy, and once born the child abandons her. Lyda becomes obsessed with the life of her only child.


In order to help her smuggler kinsmen, a sultry gypsy seduces and corrupts an officer of the Civil Guard turning him into a traitor and murderer.