Cerith Wyn Evans

The film documents a small event situated on the Idroscala di Ostia, close to the place where Pier Paolo Pasolini was murdered on the night of November 2, 1975. A vandalised concrete sculpture now commemorates the spot where Pasolini died a few hundred yards away from the mouth of the Tiber.

A record of screen tests carried out to select young male actors suitable to perform in the singer Kim Wilde's newest promotional video.

The artist's personal commentary on the decline of his country in a language closer to poetry than prose. A dark meditation on London under Thatcher.


Inspired by a poem by William Blake: a short experimental film about the perception of vision.


The Angelic Conversation is a lyrical, haunting film about a young man’s search for love, in a dreamlike landscape. Offscreen, Dame Judi Dench recites a sequence of Shakespeare sonnets, that counterpoint the action. Jarman called it, “My most austere work, but also the closest to my heart.”


By the end of the punk movement in the mid-80s, London’s vibrant club scene had become a source of inspiration. Cerith Wyn Evans’ Epiphany is a colorful documentation of this underground hedonism.

A short non-narrative film made to commemorate the visit of Burroughs and Gysin to the UK. The film consists of multiple short vignettes: Witches Song (1979), Broken English (1979), Ballad Of Lucy Jordan (1979), Pirate Tape (Derek Jarman, 1983) and T.G.: Psychic Rally In Heaven (Derek Jarman, 1981).
