Chaleumpol Tikumpornteerawong

The story 10 years later after Nang Nak was defeated

Stone, cement, three sparrow robbers that robbed the car carrying money of the casino. The mission was well accomplished. But what they found was the body of Sia Wichai, the casino owner! The three flee the police and head to Sia Wichai's house. Until meeting with Pim Dao, the four beautiful daughters, then join hands on a quest to find the real killer. This work will be tumultuous how funny can be followed in "The Dead Dumpster, tumultuous fun mission"

Rang and Peng, Two of the most ruthless criminals break out of a high-security jail to recover the “September’s Diamond” which was lost to them when they were caught. They also tried to avenge the people who secretly stole the diamond from them.

Is the new film by Yuthlert Sippapak after a couple of years in hiatus. This is the latest in the Buppa series, a well-known horror film that began with Buppa Ratree in 2003. Mixing ghost stories with comedy and even feminism, the film focuses on the story of Buppa, a woman who commits suicide in her apartment after she's betrayed by her lover. She then becomes a vengeful spirit that haunts people in the apartment.


Awatsaya (Anne) is a fierce boss who secretly falls in love with her new young subordinate, Pranont (Mark). Because she needs to maintain her image as a professional and boss she conceals this secret. In order to get to know him better and court him, she uses an online chat program, MSN, using the alias ‘Khun Ab Ruk (Secret Love).' Their relationship starts to bloom, but is cut short when Awatsaya carelessly reveals her secret to the handsome and cunning Managing Director of the company Lipda (Peter). When Lipda learns of this secret, he tries to help Awatsaya move forward with Pranont. However, he ends up making everything even more troublesome when he secretly falls in love with Awatsaya. The love triangle between Awatsaya, Pranont, and Lipda is unable to end easily when another obstacle like Prip-Praao (Kim) comes into the picture and pretends to be ‘Khun Ab Ruk.'

The life story of Khun Sua and Khun Jib after marriage.

Is falling in love similar to rain? Rains falls without reason and also regardless of season. Anyway, falling rain always light up some emotion in people. Some feels lonely, some feels excited, some feels that it's normal for rain to fall.


Sua and Jib are like any other couple in this world except for one exception: for the past 5 years they have kept their relationship a secret since the bank where they are employed has a strict "No Fraternization" policy. It's not a big deal until they decide to get married. The only problem? Which one of these two Type-A overachievers will put marriage before a career and resign? With neither willing to take the leap of faith they both turn incident into opportunity when an ATM glitch in Chonburi province cashes out over $130,000 baht. The terms are simple: whoever is able to recover the money first gets to keep their job. The couple will turn into no holds barred competitors. Who will literally "go big" in their career or "go home" in this romantic comedy about what two people won't do for each other in the name of love? It's the age old battle of the sexes but this time around how can victory be easily declared in a war...


A guy who is into ska music, finds himself fascinated by Thai traditional music after meeting a great Thai traditional music songwriter and getting involved in a Thai traditional music rivalry.

A romantic comedy about a woman who specializes in breaking up a relationship on behalf of the involved parties. She doesn't believe in love, that’s why she is so good at her job. But then she experiences love at first sight, though the man she sees suddenly disappears. She sets out to look for him, with the help of a boy who lives next door.


Noi is a rock star who starts to feel bored within materialistic Thai society. He eventually finds the path to tranquility and peace by entering monkhood. Now Noi is a young, self-confident, and stubborn monk who has to deal with many hilarious situations with his new companions. It seems like Noi can't really escape from his confusing rock star world after all.


Mei Li is a 30 year old woman who has one bad habit of getting drunk at her friend’s weddings. All because weddings seem to remind her of her single, manless, lonely life. One night, Mei Li wakes up in the middle of the night and went up to the roof to drink beer alone, which became a big scandal that led her to meet Lung, a maintainance engineer of the BTS electric train system. Meeting this strange innocent man without being drunk stirs something within Mei Li for the first time in all of her 30 years.


The Bright Fire Light centers around twins, Tianwan and Wantagon (Chompoo Araya). Wan returns to Thailand from abroad after receiving news of her father's abrupt death. Though it's said that he died of a car accident, Wan knows her father better than that and suspects foul play. She later discovers that her father had two business partners that betrayed him, Khun Anon and Tian's boyfriend's father. Because of this, Wan seeks revenge against them to get justice for her father's death.

Singha receives a call from Jack, a friend from school. Jack sets up a high school reunion where Sigha meets with the rest of his buddies from back in the day, including Song (the owner of a grocery shop), Kanda (Song’s wife, a chubby lady who thinks she’s so fierce), JudDuang (a famous actor), Pong (a DJ who loves to tell horror stories) ,and Jack (a cool, artistic tomboy who works a stylist for a top magazine) When the entire bunch meets again, it brings back a lot of fun memory. The conversation goes on until Signha starts talking about his first and only love, Mituna, a new student who transferred during the last year. Signha’s memory about Mituna is weaved into a story once again.


Makham and his gang once used to be well-treated dogs by their owners. Unexpectedly, their life turns to the worse when all of them are abandoned, and separated from the owners. They have to live like stray dogs, but all of them still believe that there is the blissful land, the land that's been told to be the heaven for dogs. Then, Makham and his buddies set on a journey searching for the land where they hope to be the new place for living with happiness forever.


Jok, a television mechanic has his special job. Apart from his regular work, he is identified as a detective hired to detect secret lovers for those wives who have unfaithful husbands. The strict rule is not to fall in love with the target, but the new target is such an irresistible girl called Nampan, who's a secret lover of a wealthy old man. When Jok goes deeper into the case, he finds out that Nampan also has another wealthy admirer and the wife of her admirer plans to blackmail her. Though the case is risking and nearly breaking the rule of his work, Jok decides to help her from danger.


Khao Niao, a young girl, is left at her relatives' house by her mother, Bee. Although she is surrounded by familiar faces, she still feels very lonely and blames her mother for 'abandoning' her here. One day, while wandering around, Khao Niao finds a stray puppy. Thinking that the dog is as lonely as she is, she decides to bring him home even though she knows that her relatives will not like him. This is only the beginning of a journey between Khao Niao and her puppy, Moo Ping. - Written by Ploy P.


A love affair between a high-school boy and a beautiful girl sets off a battle between students at two colleges. The fight causes too many people to be injured when the violence spirals out of control. The unruly students are sent to to a remote military camp to be reformed. Later, they plan to escape, but it's not what their plan should be when they find themselves stuck in a battlefield instead of escaping away from the camp.


Tom Penlert, a director for horror programs on TV who wants to be noticed as a professional director. Along with his amazing buddy Tik The Star and incredible staff, he produces a TV show called "Ghost Variety", a show that dares your belief of supernatural events. The Ghost Variety team ventures to every risk and horrible locations where known as haunted places to hunt and capture ghosts, and then on-air the event to the audiences. Their spooky tasks seem tough, but lots of fun indeed.


Jeab hears that his childhood sweetheart Noi-Naa is to be married, so he makes the trip back home to his provincial village. As he does so, the memories come flooding back to his childhood in 1980s Thailand. He remembers always being late to school, so his father would have to give him a ride on the back of the motorcycle. After school, he would always play with Noi-Naa and her girlfriends while the neighborhood boys rode their bicycles and played football and Chinese fantasy characters.
