Chan Ga-Bik

A cop and gangster melodrama revolving the lives of two cops and the two teenage girls they try to save.


Controversial director Angela Chan explores the "La Cage Aux Folles" demi-monde that thrives in today's Hong Kong, but which has never before been portrayed in a major movie. Alex To plays a handsome fashion designer trapped in a tangle of ambiguous relationships that becomes even more complex when he falls for a beautiful D.J. (Cecilia Yip) who, with the help of her best friend (Cherie Chung), is trying to get out of an arranged marriage. This film looks and sounds like a comedy, but has some serious comments about a veiled segment of Hong Kong.


Shirley has rebellious nature, she realized she was no longer able to tolerate her parents and she reckoned it was about time for her to explore the outside world. After she sneaked away from home she went to find her brother-in-law. Frankie, for she believed that he might be able to help her financially. While Shirley had just settled at Frankie's place, suddenly her parents came out from nowhere and tried to take her home with them. Shirley resisted of going home and eventually a fight broke out and it was so vehement that Shirley was thrown out of the balcony accidentally and wounded. Consequently Shirley's injury became her excuse of staying at her brother-in-law's place....


Inspectors Tong (Shaw Brothers regular Pai Ying) and Cheng (Kent Cheng) are investing a psychopathic serial killer who has been raping and murdering prostitutes. With the help of a young prostitute, they follow the bloody trail to...
