Changlin Xu

Young employees of a famous restaurant operate a new branch at a tourist attraction and make it a better one.

Performer Fang Zhenzhu is persecuted by both the collaborationist government under Japanese occupation and the Nationalist government after World War II. His life begins anew after Liberation.

A war-veteran husband and his wife are slowly consumed with distrust in Xu Changlin’s fascinating hybrid of noir thriller and melodrama.

Informed by the conviction that film was a means to advocate patriotism, Lai established China Sun Motion Picture Company in the early 1920s. He teamed up with friends to follow Dr Sun, traversing provinces for several years and filming precious historical moments such as Sun's inspection of the country and the Northern Expedition led by Chiang Kai-shek after the death of Sun. Some of those footage was edited into A Page of History, available to the public today, albeit deteriorated and incomplete. The Battle of Shanghai records the famous conflict at the beginning of the war in 1937 when, fervently resisting the invading Japanese army, 800 soldiers defended a warehouse until the very last moment. Shot by Lai and his team at the risk of death, the film is now an invaluable visual document in Chinese modern history.

During the war, a small town butcher store, drug dealer Li Buyun, rogue Liu Tianyuan, soldier gangster Pan Qishan and a group of villains on the orders of the Japanese commander Yamamoto, secretly planning to set up a traitor organization to maintain the Association. They are fighting for oil and water, and Yamamoto has to send police chief Yang Kecheng to strengthen control, but Yang is an uncompromising straw man. Liu Tianyuan and Pan Qishan get a batch of arms to sell to a buyer outside the city, but the news is learned by Li Buyun, and the two sides fight for profit. When Pan Qishan came to report that the buyer of the arms was a guerrilla group. The gunfire is so loud that the villains hide in the basement, only to be blown up by the guerrillas with the grenades they are selling.