Chao Tseng

When a monk decides to leave his temple in order to defeat the Chinese Imperial Guards who brutally murdered is fellow monk, he collects five men and trains them to help him fight the guards and an old friend of his - a white-haired wizard.


Psycho-thriller from Taiwan.

Upon their invasion of Taiwan in 1874, the Japanese team up with a sinister tong to hold a martial arts tournament in a plot to root out and assassinate the region's top resistance fighters, thereby breaking the spirit of Chinese patriotism. Two local kung-fu masters prove more than a match for the invaders.


The girlfriend of a con-man is being held in a brothel and he must try to raise 200 tales of gold as a dowry. So he cheats a country simpleton out of his money then goes and loses it in the casino resulting in the country man feeling sorry for him. The two become friends and as they are both expert fighters start working as instructors for a local big boss but this causes real trouble.


All is well until the dastardly Tongyang brings his rickshaws into town and starts using his hired muscle to dominate the clientele.


In the early days of the Chinese Republic era, dockworkers in Macau are being mistreated by their Chinese overseers. An accident reveals that the cargo is composed of guns and opium.


The Righteous Club of Chinese martial artists meet to drive out the evil Japanese invaders but first they must overcome their own personal differences.