Charles Craig

Marcia Saville, thought to be a hopeless flirt by her sweetheart, Martin Kent, shows him that she prefers Tom Smith, a man from the underworld, because Tom is more authoritative. Tom is induced to enter a scheme to rob Marcia's father in a crooked deal instigated by Simon Downs. Downs plans to have Tom marry Marcia and divide the spoils, as she is to receive a sum of money when she marries. Tom is too smart for them and refuses to get involved. Meantime, Kent proves his strength of character, and Marcia is won over. Downs is exposed to her father and discharged.

This 1922 Frank Borzage film is a masterwork waiting to be rediscovered. Hester Bevins is a simple country girl who yearns for adventure. Though she has a handsome young man, Jerry, who is devoted to her, she leaves her village and goes to New York in search of a grander life. There she becomes the lover of a wealthy and unscrupulous businessman. But when Jerry returns blinded and dying from the war, Hester must choose between her new life and the man whose loyalty to her has never failed.


A 1921 film directed by Herbert Brenon.


The Last Door (1921)

Nancy is a restless young girl tired of living on a plantation with her three old-maid aunts. Her life brightens when her cousin Lola comes visiting from New York. What she doesn't know is that Lola is fleeing a scandal that erupted when she was caught running around on her husband with her lover, David. It's not long before David comes looking for her, and Nancy falls in love with him. Lola sees a way out of her problem--if she can get Nancy and David to hook up, it will take the heat off of her. Nancy's aunts, who want to get rid of her, are all for the plan, and soon Nancy and David get married. However, things don't quite work out for everyone the way they planned.

Robert Bennett, an idle socialite, wagers $30,000 with his three friends that he can tell nothing but the truth for a period of one week. His troubles begin at a party where his friends' wives question Robert about their husbands' outside activities. Forced to tell the truth, Robert's veracity results in domestic disharmony. Consequently, his vengeful trio of friends pursue Robert for the next five days, intent upon silencing him until the week is over. They finally resort to committing Robert to an insane asylum where he escapes with the aid of Dolly, who is in love with him because she believes that Robert is a society thief.

This light comedy features Billie Burke as its fickle, feather-brained title character. Society miss Sadie Love (Burke) has just wed Prince Luigi Pallavincini (James L. Crane) when she gets a phone call from Jimmie Wakely (Jed Prouty), a suitor she has not seen in a year. She allows him to come by and declare his love but doesn't bother telling him she has just gotten married. Without giving it much thought, she decides she likes Wakely better and runs off with him.

Acting on her love of nature and loathing of titled fortune hunters, heiress Mary Hamilton leaves home with her secretary, Peggy Ingledew, to join a band of roving gypsies. One of Mary's suitors, Sir Kenneth Graham, follows the two young women into the woods, dressed in gypsy garb, but when Jack Hutton decides to rid his forested land of gypsies, Sir Kenneth is thrown into jail.

Princess Sylvia refuses to marry the Emperor Maximilian of Rhaetia because his proposal has been offered for diplomatic rather than romantic reasons. Learning that Maximilian is traveling to a hunting lodge in a small village, Sylvia follows him, disguised as an untitled English girl, and the emperor immediately falls in love with her.

Marie Grandon may have seen more of the world than any nice girl ever would, but her motives remain pure. Marie labors in a New England oyster cannery and dreams of someday crushing the slumlords who prey upon the poor. While on a cruise, "Iron" Lloyd, a millionaire financier and tenement owner, decides to visit the town where Marie lives. Under the name Strange, he gets in a fight and is injured. While recuperating, he meets Marie and she tells him of her dream. Lloyd is intrigued by this and decides to test her. He has his lawyer transfer a huge sum of money to her and makes it look like she inherited it from a distant relative. Marie takes the money, goes to New York, and does exactly what she had planned. Her main target happens to be Lloyd. His business rival, Ogden Deneau, even aligns with her, pretending interest in her cause, but really wanting to ruin Lloyd. Marie, however, had dealings with Deneau a long time ago and plans to crush him too.

Bessie, the new school teacher, arrives at the little western village, and on her way to the school she meets a gang of cowboys who bestow boxes of candy and other little offerings. Not long after the girl is seized with a jumping toothache. Each boy suggests a cure, but without success. Tom, however, now appears and offers a cure. He leaves her a note stating if she will submit to his treatment he will guarantee to cure her toothache. She is in such agony that she is inclined to submit to anything, and so, though not knowing what the cure may be, consents. After great preliminaries Tom administers a resounding kiss upon her cheek..

A small-town drama group's rehearsal is interrupted when one of their members receives a letter telling him his English relative is arriving for a visit. The Englishman turns out to be a stuffy and humorless, and is the butt of several pranks. The drama group dresses as Indians and threatens him, but he turns the tables, pulls out a gun and chases them away.


A young man with a beer budget learns a hard lesson when he takes out a young lady with champagne tastes.

After her mother's death, Ruth struggles to support herself as a seamstress. While Ruth delivers shirts to the factory owner, the owner's son steals some money and Ruth is accused of the crime. She flees the ghetto of New York's Lower East Side and hides in the country where a young farmer takes her in and they fall in love


Bored by a doting wife who is too eager to please (she even puts a cigar in his mouth and lights it), Mr. Avery falls for a dancer, and is invited to a party she is throwing in his honor. Over her husband’s shoulder, the wife reads a letter from the dancer, with the telltale salutation "My dear boy", and threatens to poison herself if he goes. To show that he is not to be deterred by such a melodramatic trick, Avery takes the vial and pours the poison into a wine glass, saying if she decides to do this, why not do it with style? He then leaves, but not without misgivings. At the party the dancer offers him wine in a glass which looks exactly like the one he had handed to his suicidal spouse. This triggers an attack of conscience, and Avery rushes home, to find his wife in a swoon which he takes for her threat fulfilled. Madly, he bursts into the dancer’s party, confesses assisted suicide, and dies.


An experiment goes wrong and blinds a newly married chemist. The chemist's wife does not want to take on the burden of caring for the blind chemist so she has her younger sister take her place.


A young secretary is locked in an airtight vault by a robber. Only her boss knows the combination, and he is off on a journey. Can the boss's son locate his absent-minded father before it is too late for the girl?


One of the members of a suicide club learns he has inherited some money, but only after he drew the fatal lot and is expected to kill himself. Presumed to be a lost film.

Peasant girl Vania is assaulted by a duke who murders her lover and sends her away to London.
