Charles Delaney

A young singer's chance at fame is threatened by his hoodlum pals.


In the Colorado Rockies, Sheriff Scott, heads a posse that is after four escaped convicts, and thought it is his sworn duty to return the men dead or alive, he is, as always, reluctant to kill his fellow man. He is accompanied by Jaynes, a tavern owner, who takes much delight in his telescopic rifle, and by "Smitty," a gas station held up the escapees and more than ready to show she can be as tough as any man, although she seems to have some other motive for getting to the leader of the convicts, Kaygo.


Outraged by Redleg atrocities, the James and Younger Brothers along with Kit Dalton join Quantrill's Raiders and find themselves participating in even worse war crimes.


In New York City, a newly hired photographer becomes embroiled in a scandal when her photo is mistaken for evidence of a murder and she must try to prove her own innocence.


Edgar decides to do a home plumbing job himself.


Five closely knit showgirls sign a pact to reunite one year after the closing of their Broadway production, but the lives of all five take many different turns, often for the worse.


At the request of the Mexican government, a federal agent and a lady reporter team up to catch a gang that has been smuggling gold from Mexico to the U.S. and then selling it to the U.S. government.


Rancher entertains girl in Nevada to get a divorce. Then her gangster husband shows up.


Larry Evans (Rex Lease), champion race car driver, is envied by his chief rival, Eddie DeSylva (Duncan Renaldo), who has more ambitions than merely winning the races; he has designs on the motor patent held by Corbett (Tom Moore), Larry's employer. Eddie also has a yen for Corbett's daughter, Norma (Muriel Evans), who prefers Larry. Eddie intentionally causes a race wreck that injures Larry and sends him to the hospital.


The Millionaire Kid is young Tommy Neville whose wealthy parents, Thomas and Gloria Neville are preparing to fight it out in divorce court.Tommy runs away from home. The private detective assigned to watch him tells Mrs. Neville he has been kidnapped. She immediately suspects her husband. Meanwhile, Tommy is selling newspapers in another city. He is attacked by a bully, and is rescued by gangster Terry Mallon and his daughter Kitty. Unaware of his identity, they take him to their beach home. Reporter Breezy Benson is sent to interview Mrs. Neville about the divorce, and is fired when she won't talk to him. He meets Kitty at the beach and is intrigued by her. He meets her father, who is curious but not suspicious as news of the alleged kidnapping has not been reported.


After a good-natured Irish cop is framed for a diamond robbery and murder and presumed dead in a train wreck, he gets plastic surgery and returns to expose the real killers.


Musical about dingaling millionaire businessman Cedric Ames and his various employees


A feud between two gangs in Chinatown breaks out into a tong war.


Drug dealer on the run from the law meets an innocent young girl and her brother, and turns them into “cocaine fiends”.


Thieves break into a warehouse that stores guns, steal them and kill the night watchman. An undercover agent assigned to the case happens to get into a traffic accident with the sister of the man the police suspect is head of the burglary ring, and in order to work his way into the gang, he romances the boss' sister. Complications ensue when the two fall in love.


An agent tracking down a man who disappeared in the mysterious "Ghost Mountain" area discovers discovers the hideout of a gang of murderous outlaws.


When the Ranger Sergeant returns murdered with a note that LaFarge did it, Trooper Burke sets out to after LaFarge. Working undercover, he saves LaFarge's life and this gets him into LaFarge's gang. He then arrests LaFarge and brings him in only to learn that LaFarge is not only innocent but is now a prisoner of the real killer.


A young lawyer is elected mayor of the city and promises to rid it of the corruption it's famous for. The problem is that most of the corruption he's vowed to eliminate is caused by the crooked political machine that helped elect him.


Newlywed carnival performers decide to try their luck in New York, but their marriage begins to crumble when their careers take separate paths.


A freelance stenographer is hired for a job, but when she arrives at the address she was given, she finds that a murder has taken place there--and she is arrested for it.


Genial Irish NYC policeman Tom O'Hara is looking forward to the arrival of his wife and their young son, Shandy from Ireland. Several days before the ship is to dock, O'Hara gets a radiogram informing him that his wife has died at sea. That night a burglar breaks into the Antigue & Second Hand Shop ran by Sol Bloom, directly below O'Hara's flat. The burglar shoots O'Hara, who has rushed to his friend's aid, and, with his last breath he asks Sol to take care of Shandy. When Shandy arrives, Sol immediately makes him a member of the family, which also consists of a very mischievous motherless boy named Joey Bloom, whose pursuits consist of stealing oranges from fruit-dealer Tony, and playing hookey from school. Tom Varney, the young beat cop, is in love with Ruth Sneider, whose mother runs a Cleaning and Dyeling establishment. Ruth, however, is momentarily dazed with worthless Dave Haller.


A motorcycle policeman's partner is deliberately run off the road and killed by a member of a syndicate that controls the gambling--and much of the justice system--in his town. When the killer is freed because of perjured testimony and the corrupt legal system, the dead officer's partner quits the force and vows to bring the killer to justice.


A rookie cop falls for a "taxi dancer" in a dance hall, but his father has strong objections to the relationship.

Three US sailors aboard a decoy ship fight German U-boats in World War I and try to win Sally who works on the Coney Island midway.


Millie Blake is very careful about picking her husband, but that is no guarantee that a marriage will turn out well, nor that she will.


Three sisters come to Hollywood to be movie stars. Complications arise when two of them fall in love with the same man.

Mysterious bandit has been holding up express shipments from the ranches. The girl's father has a partner who is really the villain, saving the hero who of course is suspected of being the bandit.

18-year-old Rosie Kaplan O'Grady was found as an abandoned baby by O'Grady, an Irish policeman, and Kaplan, a Jewish pawnbroker, and raised by them as their own. She is being courted by two men; prizefighter Terry Callahan and a rich socialite, Tommy Sinclair and has to choose between them.

Kathleen O'Connor, fresh off the boat from Ireland, must decide between the two men who love her - a poor plumber and a wealthy politician.


Rita Martin, the partner of a phony spiritualist who uses information supplied by her to gull and astonish the rubes, gets work as private secretary to John Clayton, a wealthy man who has just disinherited his worthless son, Frank, and left his entire fortune to his upright stepson, Bob Williams. At Frank's request, the spiritualist later performs for the elder Clayton a seance during which Rita impersonates the late Mrs. Clayton and arranges for a reconciliation between Frank and his father. Rita falls in love with Bob, however, and, in order to protect Bob's interests against Frank's, exposes the spiritualist as a faker. Frank is disgraced in his father's eyes, and Bob quickly forgives Rita for her past complicity in Frank's schemes.

Daisy, a clerk at Woolworth's, loves to sing. She meets Bill, a guard on the subway, at a party and they're both attracted to each other, but each tells the other that they have a different job than they actually do. Bill later finds her handbag on the subway, returns it to her and invites her to dinner. They dine at the swanky Mayfield Club, where owner Lawrence Mayfield is also attracted to Daisy and offers her a job there as a singer. Bill is not happy, although Daisy is. Complications ensue.


Dee is a naive chorus girl living in a boarding house full of low-paid actors. Dee and Billy are in love and he helps her to move from chorus girl to star. Things run afoul when jealousy, misunderstandings and sleazy men enter the picture.


American mining engineer Jim McClellan is in love with Dolores de Silva, daughter of the deposed president of a Latin American country. He becomes involved in the revolution....


An artistic salesgirl falls in love with a chauffeur not realising he is actually the heir to a huge fortune.


Fred Colgate, wealthy young man, learns that his tramp wife has been unfaithful and leaves her, and goes to Mexico. An accident causes him to be thought dead. He becomes a prizefighter, and when he return to his home city, he encounters a strange situation.

Nightclub dancer Glory Frayne falls in love with championship boxer Red Lucas . Luca's latest opponent is likeable young pugilist Johnny Regan . When Johnny meets Glory, he is instantly smitten.....

Sally Lapidowitz is the daughter of an Orthodox Jewish father and an Irish Catholic mother and the girlfriend of motorcycle cop Patrick Sweeney. Sally finds herself attracted to the fancy Stuart Gold, a young Jewish boy who charms her father but raises Patrick's suspicions, which are soon justified.

A detective goes in search for the villain responsible for several burglaries and a murder.


Marie Devere and Helen Gray are two sophisticated, gold-digging chorus girls on the look-out to marry a rich man, who measure the men they meet by their Bradshaw ratings. They befriend Lettie Crain, a country girl who comes near being deceived by Bartley Mortimer, a rich playboy. She is saved by another girl, Cynthia Kane, whose life Mortimer has ruined, and Lettie finds happiness with Bob Garrett, a poor but honest working man.

American silent film directed by Frank O'Connor.

Jim Gordon, the son of a proud and loving father, enters the University of California as a student. There he meets Mary Ward, a campus coed who captures his heart on the first day. He becomes close friends with Larry Powell, his roommate, but incurs the wrath of Kenneth Slade, who is unable to take a practical joke. Jim and Larry attend a campus dance with Bessie and Phyllis, two vamps, and through a series of romantic complications Jim tries to convince Mary of his love for her.


"The Wickedest Place in the World - Tourists Welcome", so says the banner across main street. Bill Scott rides into the city looking for adventure. At the Palace Hotel, the wickedest place in Satan Town, Sue of the Salvation Army strives to reach one or two of the drunks, gamblers, and prostitutes that throng the saloon. Malamute, the bouncer at the bar, never shies from a fight, and what's more, he's never lost one. Sue, to her misfortune, has gotten on his nerves.

Ranger the dog stars.

Cyrus Braidwood has a secret. His daughter Helen isn't actually his daughter--her father is a murderer, and Braidwood has been raising her as his own because he has her father's written confession hidden. One day her father manages to get ahold of the confession. Helen shows up at his apartment looking for it, which culminates in her and a young man she meets there being taken prisoner by a criminal gang.

A young British nobleman, impoverished and desperate, clings to the hope that either a prizefighter or a racehorse in which he holds interests can save his fortunes.


Two lovers in a small town in Maryland are torn apart by the Civil War--she is loyal to the south while he heads north to join the federal army, determined to protect the Union. Eventually his unit arrives in his hometown and he is reunited with his lover, but things aren't the way they used to be.


Frank and Julia are very good friends, both being single, and live in adjoining apartments. Getting a letter from a friend who asks him to buy an engagement ring. Jack does not know what to do and fears lest he make a mistake. He asks Julia to help him and together they sally forth to the jewelry store, where the ring is purchased. At the store they are seen by Mrs. Gossip, who tells everyone that they are engaged, with the result that the couple are deluged with presents and congratulations. Julia is furious, blaming Jack for the occurrence, but he is more amused than anything else. Finally Julia is persuaded that a real engagement between them would not be so bad, after all. and they go out again to buy yet another solitaire.