Charles King

Linda Wadsworth rebels against her millionaire grandfather, J. H. Wadsworth, and runs away from home. Unknown to Mr. Wadsworth, she gets a job at one of his many five-and-ten-cents stores as a clerk.


The Mesquiteers capture a horse thief who escapes justice through a crooked judge. They gather signatures urging the governor to investigate but a friend with the petition is murdered. Stony is accused.


Russ Matthews, a theatrical agent who is not above pulling off a hoax or two or more to further the career of his clients (and himself), and a newspaper gossip-columnist, Carol Wilson, get involved with gangsters when one of Larry's radio-program future-predicting cons gets out of hand.


A cowboy saves his injured friend from a vigilante group, which believes that he is part of a bandit gang that attacked a wagon train. The cowboy sets out to find the bandit gang and clear his friend's name.

A radio announcer gets caught up with a fake clairvoyant and his gang of thieves.


The road-show troupe of a top Broadway show go cross-country while taking the audience along on the on-stage scenes as well as what happens and is happening back stage of the production. The spectacular dancing ensembles and colorful costumes and pulchritude on-stage offers a contrasting background to the drabness of the backstage, where joy, sorrow, tragedies, deception, and romance are intertwined.


Based on the farcical stage play written by Pulitzer Prize-winning* writer Elmer Rice, Oh, Sailor Behave! is a movie Musical with a split personality. Nanette Dodge (Irene Delroy) falls for newspaper reporter Charlie Carroll (Charles King) who is on assignment in Venice to land an interview with Romanian General Skulany (Noah Beery). Our couple is split apart by a pair of storylines - Nanette tries to woo a Russian prince (Lowell Sherman) who is blackmailing her sister, while Charlie, following a lead to the general, finds himself Romantically involved with Kunegundi (Vivien Oakland), "the general's favorite."


Harriet and Queenie Mahoney, a vaudeville act, come to Broadway, where their friend Eddie Kerns needs them for his number in one of Francis Zanfield's shows. Eddie was in love with Harriet, but when he meets Queenie, he falls in love to her, but she is courted by Jock Warriner, a member of the New Yorker high society. It takes a while till Queenie recognizes, that she is for Jock nothing more than a toy, and it also takes a while till Harriet recognizes, that Eddie is in love with Queenie


An all-star revue featuring MGM contract players.


A nobleman, posing as a necktie salesman, falls in love with the daughter of a circus puppeteer, even though he is already married to the daughter of his country's war minister.
