Charles Lakin

A waiter tricks his way into command of a sub in order to rob a ship carrying gold bullion.


A man falls in love with a piano player and tries to woo her. A passerby hears a maid's music, fancies he's found his true love, and chats her up. Her boyfriend arrives for his music lesson and jealously dismisses the interloper, who swipes a grinder's organ (and monkey) to help him serenade the maid. Later he follows the boyfriend to a residence hotel and plants a bomb in the man's piano. The organ-grinder is gunning for the thief, and soon the piano, bomb, monkey, thief, and pistol-packing grinder are rolling down the road to the delight of maid and lover. It's ka-boom for some and a kiss for others.


Fatty and Al are Minta's suitors. After Fatty sics his dog on him, Al marks Fatty for roughing up by two thugs, but the plan backfires.


Mr. and Mrs. Gussle get up to some hijinks in this Keystone comedy.


A happy young couple become engaged, and soon afterwards they are married. But after their marriage, the husband begins to stay out carousing with his friends, leaving his wife at home with her mother. Then, when the three of them go to the opera together, the husband spots one of his friends in another box. Soon the domestic difficulties reach their peak.


A Keystone comedy with Charles Murray, where the poor man finds a bag with a lot of money resulting in a change of lifestyle. But not without complications...

Hubby and wifey are in love, but he's henpecked by her mother. A nip of whiskey gives him Dutch courage, and he storms out, declaring he won't be a domestic slave anymore. He heads for a park bench where a photographer mistakes him for a seated woman's sweetheart. The tintype of the two of them falls into the hands of the woman's husband, whose jealous rage frightens our hero. He abruptly leaves town, telling wifey he'll be away on business. Wifey doesn't need her house while he's away, so, unknown to hubby, she moves in with mom and rents the house to the couple from the park. When our hero returns home sooner than expected, the renter has another attack of jealousy.


Fatty gets kicked out of a bar, and then the place gets a bomb threat.


When a woman's husband leaves town, she begins to see odd things happening in her house. Afraid that gangsters are after her, she becomes increasingly anxious.


Set in the stone age, King Low-Brow rules the land and a harem of wives. When Charlie arrives in this land (where every man has one thousand wives), he falls in love with the King's favorite wife. When the King falls over a cliff, he is presumed dead and Charlie crowns himself King. The King, however, is not dead and comes back and bashes Charlie over the head with a rock. It turns out it was a dream and a police man bashed Charlie over the head with his club because he was sleeping in the park.


Charlie is in charge of stage "props" and has trouble with actors' luggage and conflicts over who gets the star's dressing room. Once the dressing-room issue is resolved the next issue is getting everyone on stage with the correct backdrop. Backstage Charlie and an old man fight, often disrupting the on-stage performances. The audience also break into a fight, and a hose brought out behind the scenes ends up squirted over them.


Charlie, competing with his rival's race car, offers Mabel a ride on his motorcycle but drops her in a puddle. He also kidnaps his rival before the race. But Mabel decides to take the wheels in his place, thus causing a threat to Charlie. As the race progresses, despite a very late start, Mabel manages to gain a lead of three laps. Charlie with his henchmen, tries to sabotage the race by using oil and bombs on the track. They seem to succeed for a while, but their dirty tricks were not enough to stop the high-spirited Mabel from winning the race.


To show his girl how brave he is, Fatty challenges the champion to a fight. Charlie referees, trying to avoid contact with the two monsters.


A city slicker tries to woo a country girl while her boyfriend fixes his tire.
