Charles Mason

An auto engineer (Herbert Marshall) and a professor's daughter (Jean Arthur) pose as married servants in a mobster's (Leo Carrillo) mansion.


Shane O'Mealia leaves Ireland, promising to send for his sweetheart, Moyna. In the mean time the son of the old lady she lives with, takes them back to America without telling Shane, who then must explain a girl he's been seeing in New York.


Peep O'Day, an orphan in a small Kentucky town, falls heir to a small fortune and begins to make up for all the lost pleasure of childhood, but Sublette, a crooked attorney, arranges for an eastern belle to show up as Peep's "niece" to steal his fortune.

A tomboy, raised by a father who wanted a son, runs away from boarding school and gets a job at a firm. A fragment exists at the Library of Congress.