Charles O'Neal

While in Canada Timmy and Lassie encounter a downed hot air ballonist. By accident they end up in the balloon which takes them into the wilderness. The young boy and his dog must find a way to survive even fending off a wild pig.


Under therapeutic hypnosis, a seemingly well-adjusted young woman tells a fantastic story, verified by lie detector, of her forgotten marriage to a man who disappeared on the day of their honeymoon, and of her search for him which takes her to a lonely mansion in a remote section of swampland tenanted by snakes, alligators, a drunken one-armed lout, a mysterious doctor, and a cold-hearted elderly woman who lives alone in a brooding manse.


Early in the War of 1812, Captain James Marshall is commissioned to run the British blockade and fetch an unofficial war loan from France. As first mate, Marshall recruits Ben Waldridge, a cashiered former British Navy captain. Waldridge brings his former gun crew...who begin plotting mutiny as soon as they learn there'll be gold aboard. The gold duly arrives, and with it Waldridge's former sweetheart Leslie, who's fond of a bit of gold herself. Which side is Waldridge really on?


Against the background of the Civil War, sixteen-year-old song-and-dance artiste Lotta Crabtree works her way across America, becoming ever more popular.


An Australian sheep man comes to Montana looking for grazing space, is opposed by local ranchers and a wealthy cattle-woman.


US Marshall Vance is assigned to rid the Oklahoma Territory of outlaws.


A grandson of a recently deceased millionaire mistakes a beautiful female disc jockey for her aunt, who once dated the grandfather.


"The Unknown" was the final entry in Columbia’s I Love A Mystery series. A woman hires two detectives to keep her alive long enough to claim her inheritance.


A San Francisco airplane bound for South America crashes, and among the scorched debris is found a shrunken native human head, neatly packaged. The perplexed police contact a local anthropology museum about this unclaimed piece of grisly baggage, where they intersect with Jack and Doc, two private eyes, called there to meet a mysterious woman who had a case for them and wanted to meet in private.


This first film in the Columbia series was based on the radio serial, "The Decapitation of Jefferson Monk." A detective tries to protect a man who has predicted his murder will take place in three days.


A young gypsy girl turns into a wolf to destroy her enemies.


A detective tries to stop whomever is murdering the jurors on a notorious murder case.


A young woman searches for her missing sister who, unknown to her, has become involved with a group of Satan worshippers in Greenwich Village.
