Charles Russell

A young man who steals valuable Oriental objects for a lady friend who operates an antique shop gets mixed up in a twisted murder plot.


Jimmy Lydon plays Andy Bryant, a University of Arizona student whose grades suffer because of his preoccupation with an upcoming intercollegiate rodeo. Andy's father (Joe Sawyer) is more interested in embarrassing a rival at the rodeo than he is with his son's academic progress. When his lack of focus nearly causes a tragic accident in the university chemistry lab, Andy decides to hunker down and study.


A suicide attempt is investigated by a pair of female police rookies.

A killer hides out in a small-town boarding house.


A family vaudeville act is threatened when the eldest son is offered a contract to play baseball. Musical.


Prisoners battle each other -- and the police -- when they escape the Colorado State Penitentiary.


A boy tries to protect his dog, a German shepherd that served with U.S. Army forces after it begins attacking strangers several years after the war.

George and Catherine Apley of Boston lead a proper life in the proper social circle, as did the Apleys before them. When grown daughter Eleanor falls in love with Howard (from New York!), and son John with Myrtle (from Worcester!), the ordered life of the Apley home on Beacon Street is threatened, as is the hoped-for union of John and Apley-cousin Agnes.


This latter-day parable focuses on two brothers. Peter Rogers is an ambitious, hard-driving attorney. Bob Rogers is a thoughtful, contemplative doctor who decides to forsake his practice to do missionary work in war-torn China. When Peter's young son is tragically killed in an accident, he visits his brother and learns first-hand the importance of compassion and charity. In a world rocked by strife and pain, love can overcome and triumph.


Aided by her eccentric friends, a young woman goes looking for her missing brother.


An unscrupulous private investigator with a penchant for blackmail is found dead in a car and the leading suspect is Carole Landis, the daughter of a mayoral candidate. With the election just weeks away, the press, here depicted as shadowy and ruthless, will do anything to get a juicy story. They muscle the medical officer into switching the corpse with another body when it becomes clear that Carole couldn't have been the murderer. Detective Sam Carson must find a way to clean up the mess and save the girl he's beginning to fall for.


WWI flyer Eddie Rickenbaker remembers his life which brought him from a car salesman, race driver and pilot in WWI, to an important person in the early years of civil airline service, after his plane crashed in the South Pacific in late 1942.


This is the story of the crew of a downed bomber, captured after a run over Tokyo, early in the war. Relates the hardships the men endure while in captivity, and their final humiliation: being tried and convicted as war criminals.


A documentary/drama about the training of bombardiers during WWII. Major Chick Davis proves to the U.S. Army the superiority of high altitude precision bombing, and establishes a school for bombardiers. Training is followed in semi-documentary style, with personal dramas in subplots. The climax is a spectacular, if somewhat jingoistic, battle sequence.
