Charlie Bean

The love story between a pampered Cocker Spaniel named Lady and a streetwise mongrel named Tramp. Lady finds herself out on the street after her owners have a baby and is saved from a pack by Tramp, who tries to show her to live her life footloose and collar-free.


Six young ninjas are tasked with defending their island home of Ninjago. By night, they’re gifted warriors using their skill and awesome fleet of vehicles to fight villains and monsters. By day, they’re ordinary teens struggling against their greatest enemy....high school.


Three "Imps", Erk, Netl & Vex, circle the earth in their makeshift asteroid charged with the exclusive (and thankless) duty of granting wishes to those who make them. Mired by their dead-end existence, they perpetually yearn for a promotion from their employer, the ultra-suave Bigguy N. DeSkye, CEO of The Universe Inc. When DeSkye announces an opening available in Man in the Moon Productions,(contingent upon the success of their next job) mayhem seems to rain down around the IMPs as they attempt a bungle-free mission delivering precipitation to a dust-bowl farmer and his henpecking wife.

A man named Reilly gets a cat named Flinch to impress a female cat lover named Sofie and threatens the cat that if there is a scratch on anything while he's away, he will send him to the violin factory. It won't be easy when Sophie leaves Flinch a feline playmate named Fix that only wants to party.

TV pilot from Cartoon Network's Europe division. Kid lives on a farm with his grandparents, a robot pig, and a magic guy.
