Charlotte Rose

A young girl learns how to deal with bullying with the help of her stuffed bear.

16 year old NINA has ditched ballet lessons to work weekends in a strip club, seeking financial independence from her rich father who has recently remarried a 22-year-old model. ALEX, a 30 year old architect, sees her act when dragged to the strip club one night by a builder mate. Alex is appointed to redesign the theater facilities at Nina's school and soon their paths cross again. Despite his misgivings about their age gap, a romance starts to blossom. In many ways Nina drives things on, and Alex is smitten. But when both their worlds start to come unstuck over the relationship the strength of their love is put to the test.


Every year more than 70,000 Australian school leavers head to the beaches of Australia's Gold Coast to celebrate their release from the secondary school system. With a wild mixture of sun, surf and sex, this quintessential Australian tradition is known affectionately as 'Schoolies Week'. So strap on the beer goggles and follow several groups of friends as they travel to the Gold Coast by train, clapped out Holden, Limo and on foot in search of the best time of their lives.
