Cheng-Wu Yang

A high-speed martial arts action/adventure pitting a C.I.A. recruited martial arts master against Las Vegas gangsters and a psychotic arms dealer supplying a diabolical terrorist organization with nuclear weapons! Fully loaded with bone-crushing kung fu mayhem, sexy, scantily clad women and extreme firepower!


Slapstick humor and over the top martial arts action highlight this madcap adventure tale of a simpleton who fights for the people.


Two young martial artists enter a martial arts tournament. They also have to deal with ghosts.


The incomparable martial arts expert, Bruce Li, stars as a wealthy hero who defends his village from the assaults of ill-wishers.


In an attempt to save his village from being taken over by brutes, Wah is beaten to a pulp and his mother brutally murdered. Determined to take revenge, Wah learns the art of Wing Chun and enters into a showdown with the nasty villains.


Sammy is involved with gangsters to save his relative from a problem so he calls Dragon Hung from America to help him.


Tiger Wong (Jimmy Wang Yu) is a student of martial arts who made a promise to his late father never to show his martial arts skills in public. a gang of mercenaries raid a nearby village. The villagers, led by Fong Li, send a party to ask for his help. But Tiger Wong refuses to help or get involved in the trouble. Only after seeing the brutality of the gang does he decide to take some action.