Cheyenne Carron

A soldier suffering from trauma, Roman does not manage to find his bearings in society upon his return from his mission. His companion Clara leaves him, and takes their son with her. Deprived of his family, Roman goes to isolate himself in the mountains. Out of sight, he will let the memories of the war invade him, until one day he meets a group of lumberjacks, touched by his condition.


In search of a new way of life, Diane, 25, settles in her grandfather's home in a village bordering a forest where she practices archery.

Lucie, a young French woman passionate about perfume, sets out on a research trip abroad. Her tragic destiny crosses paths with Younes, a penniless taxi driver who delivers her into the hands of Islamist kidnappers, and with Abou, a jihadist also from France.


A strong tale of racial integration, two different stories of young men who both are looking for a land to put their roots down.


Akim, young Muslim will become imam sees his upset when he is touched by the love of Christ ... In a family chaos that opposes his brother identity Akim attempt to be accepted by his family.


Since she was three months old, Yasmeen has been living with a foster family. Seventeen years have passed by and unbreakable bonds of love have formed between her and her parents and siblings. When Yasmeen is about to be adopted and officially recognised as a member of the family, a woman starts hassling her, claiming to be her mother.


A young woman strikes up an affair with an older married man, but twisted secrets begin to emerge as their tale is told from different points of view.


Jane desperately tries to awaken her faith in God. In her room, isolated with her lover from the rest of the world, she becomes overwhelmed with an uncontrolled flow of souvenirs, dreams and fantasies.


Un jeune couple part s'isoler dans une maison à la campagne. Au fil de leur séjour, à l'abri des regards, ils glissent dans une relation violente et passionnelle, qui les poussera à commettre le pire...
