Chiaki Tsukioka

Young coal miner Takeda leaves Kyushu in search of a better job in Tokyo, only to fall into the lucrative yet dangerous life of a yakuza.


At school, Fumio is good in everything. His cheerful, out-going personality makes him a great favorite with teachers and classmates alike. He is in perfect health and there does not seem to be a single shadow to cloud his life. Then, one day, he feels a sudden pain in his shoulder. His parents take him to a doctor who tells them that their son has bone cancer and must be hospitalized. The parents cannot believe their ears, for Fumio had always been the picture of abounding health. The whole family with the exception of Fumio is cast into the depths of despair. They wonder why it had to happen to their Fumio and their happy family. The father who recovers first and decides to fight cancer to save his son's life.

Pinky and Yoko are about to graduate. Full of hope and uncertainties they embark on a tale of temptation.


An old man dies of heartbreak when a cruel landlord is about to repossess his land. The old man haunts the landlord from the grave. Since the man died in debt, his wife and daughter are indentured servants and are forced to work in the landlord's factory.


A film about two boys and two girls, and how they each come to sex, each in his or her own way.

Film directed by Kenji Misumi

The 3rd Moonlight Mask movie from the 50s.


Based on Matsumoto Seicho's classic mystery novel of the same name, the story centers around a group of detectives who are determined to find the truth behind an apparent double suicide.


Fifth film in the Boy Detectives Club series.

Sixth film in the Boy Detectives Club series.

Horror film directed by Masamitsu Igayama.

A historical scroll depicting the story of the tragic fate of the young samurai Minamoto Yoshitsune, based on the novel by Genzo Murakami. The action of the first part takes place in the late Heian period, when the Taira clan came to power, and Genji was oppressed. The great dream and ambitions of Genkuro Yoshitsune in his youth are depicted, he joins forces with his older brother Yoritomo to raise an army to defeat the Taira clan, and the second part depicts the fall of the clan, persecution and murder.

Tale of tragic love between samurai and princess during Heian period.


A comedic retelling of the legend of the loyal 47 ronin.

Jidai-geki starring Kanjuro Arashi

Japanese "kayo" film based on the song "Ieraishan" by Yoshiko Yamaguchi.


Swordfighting instructor Danpei works at a local theater in Tokyo, instructing the actors how to fight realistically.


Comedy by Kon Ichikawa

Japanese mystery thriller.

Early Kon Ichikawa movie


Japanese comedy film.

A pickpocket falls in with a group of prostitutes who have one strict rule: none of them may ever sleep with a man without taking his money — falling in love is forbidden.

The stage director Shimamura, who is bringing western theatre to Japan, falls in love with the outspoken actress Sumako Matsui, and leaves his family to be with her, while trying to keep his Art Theatre solvent.
