Chinghiz Aitmatov

This is a love story set in the steppes of Central Asia of today. Temür a thirty year old Kazakh decides to start life again in his ancestral village in the Kyrghyz Mountains. He discovers soon after his arrival that he is a misfit in this settlement of old conservative Islamic men,some women and children. The only ray of hope for him is Amira a young married woman who waits in frustration for her absentee husband - a Mujahideen. Temur watches sorrowfully as the individual village stories unfold at the same as he tries to help the community out in any way he can. In this way he comes closer to Amira and Taib, her young brother-in-law. In a dead end situation the lovers decide to leave the settlement and travel to a place that would hold out with their dreams. Written by Mira Tanna-Händel


Sultanmurat is a 14 year old boy who lives in a small Kyrgyz village. All the men have gone off to war so he is left alone to tend to the horses who are weak with hunger.

Longing to discover his father, a sad young boy dreams of becoming a fish and swimming to the great white ship he sees traversing Lake Issyk. Lost in his dreams, and buoyed by the pagan tales of his Central Asian grandfather, he feels a close communion with nature: so much so that when a hunter kills a stag, he too takes a final, liberating leap.


A chronicle of a few days in a small family, a story about the difficulties of human contacts, the complexity of love. The image of red apples - strong and clear, profound and lucid. Okeyev's "apple" bears a special meaning. Juices of the earth and sun, it is a lyrical symbol of happiness and harmony.


Based on the novel of the same name by Chinghiz Aitmatov. The action takes place during the days of World War II in one of the villages of Kyrgyzstan. The famous artist Seit recalls his childhood, his first unrequited love for Dzhamilya, the wife of his older brother, and the wounded front-line soldier Daniyar, whose songs taught to notice beauty... A poetic story about love, the secrets of creation, the national customs of the Kyrgyz people.


Based on Chingiz Aitmatov’s novel "Farewell, Gyulsary!" The story of Tanabai the blacksmith, father of three children, who upon his return from war became a herdsman, and his tragic love for the soldier’s widow Byubyudzhan. The lyrical poem has an additional storyline concerning the horse Gyulsary and his master Tanabai.


Dyuishen is assigned to the mountainous Kirghiz region of Central Asia by the Young Communist League after he is discharged from the Red Army. It is 1923 and the Civil war has ended. The former soldier becomes a teacher, bringing the Leninist doctrine to the remote Moslem area where elders did not allow children to go to school. He falls in love with one of his students, but the young woman is sold by her father to a wealthy chieftain. When the school is burned down, the majestic poplar trees that are a source of local pride are cut down to rebuild the new structure.


Film adaptation of the Kyrgyz folk legend of Raimaly-aga, based on Chingiz Aitmatov's interpretation from his “The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years.”

In the 1940s, young Kirghiz boy falls hopelessly for Jamilla, but their love has no future.
