Chiu Man-Yan

In the 1930s, China was in a state of turmoil and flurry. The dethroned Emperor Pu-Yi had established the Puppet State of Manchukuo in Manchuria and was cooperating with the Japanese in the testing of poisonous gas. The revolutionary army headed by Lieutenant Mong is assigned to crush this vicious plot. During his mission, Mong comes across witty and valiant veteran Uncle Choy and his friends, who volunteer to help. Mong believes that Uncle Choy is too old to join them. How can Uncle Choy prove himself? And can they succeed in their mission?


A motley group of Asian prisoners held in the US are given one chance for freedom. They are to go deep into Vietnam and destroy a secret depot of missles that the US left behind during the pull-out. The group, led by Lt. Lam and convict Tung, hook up with a trio of female freedom fighters and a happy go lucky martial artist named 'Rat'. The entire group is captured by the VC because one of them is a double agent, but they escape, cross an un-crossable bridge, and get to the secret base just ahead of the VC. By this point nearly all of the original group is dead, and it's up to Tung and Rat to fight the VC's leader, a bizarre giggling man who's lightning fast with martial arts.


Maggi has transferred to a girls' boarding school in the new semester. No sooner than she has arrived, she has already had an enormous conflict with a group of girls called Purple Dolls. Among Maggi's teachers, Mr. Lau, a biology lecturer has accepted the challenge and started training the girls for the annual physical endurance competition. But when the roommates' spirit is escalating, Maggi is depressed by the destruction of her romance...

Fresh from his smashing directorial debut comedy, "Let's Make Laugh", Alfred Cheung Kin-Ting returns to the screen with this seriocomic look at the clash of cultures which result when a Mainland Chinese peasant brings his family to Hong Kong. "Family Light Affair", whose Chinese title literally translates as "City Lights", is the director/writer's warm-hearted memoir of street life in the early 1980s, featuring an eclectic cast of pop music and kung fu stars who shine in their poignant roles.


shaw production
