Chloë Annett

On assignment while photographing a female suicide bomber in Kabul, Rebecca – one of the world’s top war photojournalists - gets badly hurt. Back home, another bomb drops as her husband and daughters give her an ultimatum: her work or her family.


Love can drive you crazy. To the outside world Paul and Leila have a 'happy' family. A nice house, two nice kids, and most importantly they have each other. That's the problem. Both are in love - one is insane. Paul thinks he's losing his mind - but he has more to lose than that. One couple; one love; one tragedy.


Unemployed Glaswegian thespians Mickey and Joe decide to quit Scotland and make a fresh start for themselves in Los Angeles. But their arrival in the US doesn't bring any change to their fortunes, and after a failed attempt to find acting work in Tinseltown, the unlucky twosome end up in Las Vegas, where they lose all their money at the gaming tables. When they are then approached by a gangster who suggests that they rob a local casino, the hapless Scots think they must be due a change in their fortunes and decide to give it a try.


Detective Jeff Slade teams up with scientist Holly Turner, whose late father has created a time machine that can travel back several hours. Together they solve mysteries using the device. In the beginning of episodes (before they travel back in time), things happen because they DID travel back in time, and they are constantly working to avoid paradoxes. This approach to time-travel is unusual in sci-fi movies, and keeps the plot twisted.


Yamada ga machi ni yatte kita (aka How to Speak Japanese)


Expert safecracker Arthur Clutten (Wisdom) masterminds heists for a criminal syndicate he belongs to. But after witnessing the brutal methods of persuasion being meted out by gang leader, Ignatius Smith (Hill) Clutten decides to quit. But he realises the gang would sooner see him killed than quitting. After stealing some documents incriminating Smith and his boss, Edward Ross (Ward), Clutten then puts his family in hiding and goes on the run...but his daughter (Annett) has been kidnapped by the gang and a hitman (Katt) has been hired and is close to finding Clutten.


The adventures of the last human alive and his friends, stranded three million years into deep space on the mining ship Red Dwarf.
