Cho-cho Lam

Describes how a Chinese village is invaded by the Japanese and how the villagers organise a guerrilla group to resist the enemy. With the aid of anti-war Japanese soldiers, the guerillas defeat a whole regiment of Japanese troops.

A group of guerrillas fighting against Japanese invaders.

A businessman moves his family from the city to the countryside to open a school.


A 1935 B&W Chinese movie, with Chinese intertitles. It stars Ruan Lingyu and Lily Li, two of the biggest female stars of the era, and was Ruan Lingyu's final role, being released after her suicide. It was filmed by Kuomintang-aligned Bo Ying Studios.


Bai Le De and Hu Lun tung are military cadets. After graduating, Hu Lin Tung is appointed captain of Guangdong headquarters and goes away. Later, Bae Le De is also appointed to a post at the same place. Hu Lun Ting falls in love with Luo Hua, daughter of the local commander.


This film depicting the lives of ordinary people — street peddlers, poor scholars, and young revolutionaries — reflects the culturally progressive political climate of that pre-War, post-May the 4th era.

This epic version of the Mulan tale was an early epic, shot on location in Northern China using hundreds of extras. It is the story of Hua Mulan, a young woman who takes her fathers place in the army as he is unwell. She gains glory but must eventually deal with her deception.

This film is in the collections of the China Film Archive, according to the International Federation of Film Archives.

A love story between a poor scholar and wealthy woman.

